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ZenВАШИНГТОН, 12 января Пожары в Калифорнии могут стать самой страшной катастрофой в истории США с точки зрения масштаба разрушений и связанных с ними затрат....
Ранее он по просьбе телефонных мошенников брал деньги у обманутых граждан Появились новые подробности вчерашнего инцидента в центре Москвы, где пенсионер поджег полицейскую машину...
Эксперты напоминают о рисках употребления остатков еды В своей статье в Women's Weekly женщина поделилась поучительной историей. Она призналась, что решила сэкономить на собственной...
Дзен Во второй рабочий день нового года «Крылья Советов» обзаведутся новым председателем совета директоров. Спортивные источники подтвердили «РБК Спорт» информацию: единственный и безальтернативный кандидат...
Sign up for the Guardian Today US newsletter The prominent anti-vaxxer Robert F Kennedy Jr has been booted from Instagram for repeatedly sharing false...
Fast-food workers in 15 cities will hold a Black History Month strike on Tuesday to demand that the McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s restaurant...
Immigration officials expected to enforce a mandatory quarantine intended to protect the UK from new coronavirus variants have not been briefed on even the...
A member of the Mexican National Guard patrols on the banks of the Rio Bravo river at the border between Mexico and U.S, in...
Danish police search a property in connection with the arrests Credit: presse-fotos.dk/ Ritzau Fourteen people have been arrested in joint police operations in Denmark and...
The city of Minneapolis is poised to ban facial recognition software for police use, part of a growing movement to prohibit software known to...
The reproduction number, or R value, of coronavirus has fallen below one for the first time since July and is estimated to be between...
The pandemic has left Sonali Misra unable to see her family and friends for more than a year. The PhD researcher, who is from India...
Google’s privacy standoff with Apple has lasted so long that even the company’s own apps are complaining about it. Since early December, Apple has...
A 9-year-old Black girl is handcuffed in custody in a cruiser after police used pepper spray on her as she screamed for her father...
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