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Ваш браузер не поддерживает данный формат видео. МОСКВА, 6 мар. Столичные полицейские задержали подозреваемого в подрыве банкомата в ТЦ на северо-востоке Москвы, возбуждено уголовное...
МОСКВА, 6 мар. МВД РФ объявило в розыск главного редактора «Медиазоны»* Сергея Смирнова*, на которого ранее было возбуждено дело за неисполнение обязанностей иноагента, сообщается...
МОСКВА, 6 мар, Олег Богатов. Российский шахматист Александр Грищук заявил , что заинтересован в проведении матча с американским гроссмейстером Хансом Ниманном, если тот предложит...
МОСКВА, 5 мар. Олимпийские чемпионки Алина Загитова, Анна Щербакова, а также серебряный призер Олимпийских игр Александра Трусова будут капитанами команд на Кубке Первого канала...
The head of the Capitol police who resigned over the storming of Congress last week has given a detailed account of security failings, as...
The “free speech” social network Parler, popular with Donald Trump supporters, has been forced off the internet after Amazon pulled its hosting services. The...
When William Sanchez and 11 of his family members contracted Covid-19 around Thanksgiving, his toddler’s temperature spiked, his nephew vomited for days, and his...
Rafik Yusuf Alaydrus’s wife, Panca Widia Nursanti, messaged him on WhatsApp as she sat on board the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 flight. The weather in...
The first person Terrence Wilkinson, 84, an ex-professional footballer, encountered when he checked in for his Covid-19 jab at the mass vaccination centre at...
Samsung's Bot Handy is supposed to act as an extra pair of hands in the home Credit: Samsung/ CES The 2021 Consumer Electronics Show kicked off...
Israeli businessman Beny Steinmetz is on trial for alleged corruption of Guinean public officials and forging documents Credit: SALVATORE DI NOLFI/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock /Shutterstock A French-Israeli...
Pope Francis reads the Angelus noon prayer in the Vatican Credit: Alessandra Tarantino/AP Pope Francis inched towards giving women more rights in the Catholic...
Leaders from the Republican Attorneys General Association face mounting criticism after sending out a robocall that urged supporters of Donald Trump to join the...
Brussels is fighting to maintain solidarity over its pan-EU vaccine plan as evidence emerged of member states breaking away to strike their own deals...
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