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ZenВАШИНГТОН, 12 января Пожары в Калифорнии могут стать самой страшной катастрофой в истории США с точки зрения масштаба разрушений и связанных с ними затрат....
Ранее он по просьбе телефонных мошенников брал деньги у обманутых граждан Появились новые подробности вчерашнего инцидента в центре Москвы, где пенсионер поджег полицейскую машину...
Эксперты напоминают о рисках употребления остатков еды В своей статье в Women's Weekly женщина поделилась поучительной историей. Она призналась, что решила сэкономить на собственной...
Дзен Во второй рабочий день нового года «Крылья Советов» обзаведутся новым председателем совета директоров. Спортивные источники подтвердили «РБК Спорт» информацию: единственный и безальтернативный кандидат...
A British airline pilot, his Spanish wife and two members of her family have died after their car left the road and fell into...
The consensus is that we are heading for a no-deal for the European press Credit: TOLGA AKMEN /AFP Among reactions to Brexit negotiations in the...
The Bay Area is among the most racially and ethnically diverse regions in the US, but it is only slowly grappling with its self-understanding...
Governments across the UK are to announce a reduction in the coronavirus self-isolation period, from 14 to 10 days, it is understood. It is...
Good morning. Republican and Democratic attorneys general in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have urged the US supreme court to reject...
Elsie Herring of Duplin county, North Carolina, lives in the house her late mother grew up in, but for the past several decades her...
An advisory panel to the US Food and Drug Administration has recommended the emergency approval of a Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech....
Credit: Joel Saget/AFP The global effort to develop vaccines against Covid-19 suffered one of its first major setbacks on Friday when Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline...
Mastercard and Visa said on Thursday they would block their customers from using the credit cards to make purchases on Pornhub following accusations the...
An Australian Uighur man whose family was under house arrest in China has been reunited with his wife, and met his three-year-old son for...
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