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Ваш браузер не поддерживает данный формат видео. МОСКВА, 6 мар. Столичные полицейские задержали подозреваемого в подрыве банкомата в ТЦ на северо-востоке Москвы, возбуждено уголовное...
МОСКВА, 6 мар. МВД РФ объявило в розыск главного редактора «Медиазоны»* Сергея Смирнова*, на которого ранее было возбуждено дело за неисполнение обязанностей иноагента, сообщается...
МОСКВА, 6 мар, Олег Богатов. Российский шахматист Александр Грищук заявил , что заинтересован в проведении матча с американским гроссмейстером Хансом Ниманном, если тот предложит...
МОСКВА, 5 мар. Олимпийские чемпионки Алина Загитова, Анна Щербакова, а также серебряный призер Олимпийских игр Александра Трусова будут капитанами команд на Кубке Первого канала...
File image of a health worker taking a sample swab to test for coronavirus Credit: AP Germany’s coronavirus-tracking app has begun to exchange warnings...
Pedro Sanchez has declared a national emergency Credit: Europa Press Pedro Sánchez, the prime minister of Spain, declared a state of emergency and imposed...
Wilton Gregory has been appointed a cardinal by Pope Francis Credit: Reuters Pope Francis said Sunday he will create 13 new Catholic cardinals next month, including...
Their enthusiasm reflected in post boxes stuffed with mail-in ballots and by hours-long queues at voting sites across the country, by early Sunday almost...
After Donald Trump reportedly told donors it would be “tough” for Republicans to hold the Senate, and said he could not and did not...
The Spanish government has declared a six-month state of emergency and ordered a nationwide curfew, while Italians have been strongly advised to stay at...
When Roehl Ribaya left intensive care after 60 days in the summer, his family thought his battle with coronavirus was over. In July, he...
The robots — manufactured by Starship Technologies — are able to cross the road by themselves Credit: Starship Technologies During the pandemic, their ranks have...
Mark Zuckerberg is alleged to have given the go ahead for Facebook to revoke access to companies considered a threat The US government is drawing...
Tim Cook introduced Apple's new 5G iPhone models at an event last week Credit: Reuters What is 5G? In essence, 5G is new mobile...
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