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ZenВАШИНГТОН, 12 января Пожары в Калифорнии могут стать самой страшной катастрофой в истории США с точки зрения масштаба разрушений и связанных с ними затрат....
Ранее он по просьбе телефонных мошенников брал деньги у обманутых граждан Появились новые подробности вчерашнего инцидента в центре Москвы, где пенсионер поджег полицейскую машину...
Эксперты напоминают о рисках употребления остатков еды В своей статье в Women's Weekly женщина поделилась поучительной историей. Она призналась, что решила сэкономить на собственной...
Дзен Во второй рабочий день нового года «Крылья Советов» обзаведутся новым председателем совета директоров. Спортивные источники подтвердили «РБК Спорт» информацию: единственный и безальтернативный кандидат...
Draconian surveillance measures introduced during the Covid-19 epidemic are handing “unchecked powers” to authoritarian regimes across Asia, human rights experts are warning. In a...
Facebook has removed a number of ads from the Trump campaign for making misleading and inaccurate claims about Covid-19 and immigration. On Wednesday the...
Thousands of riot police were stationed across Hong Kong on Thursday to stamp out any large democracy rallies as the financial hub marked China’s...
Brad Parscale, President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, is stepping away from the re-election campaign, days after he was hospitalised when Florida law enforcement...
Video calling has become a staple of staying connected during the pandemic. Even technology’s fiercest critics could not begrudge the industry for making available...
At least three Syrian opposition fighters have been killed in skirmishes in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Guardian has learned, confirming earlier reports...
Freshly brought to the world’s attention by Donald Trump’s refusal to condemn their associations with white supremacist ideology during Tuesday night’s US presidential debate,...
It is believed to be the first country in the world to put the legalisation of recreational cannabis to a national public vote. But...
Bosnian authorities have started emptying UN-run migrant camps in town centres, moving hundreds of people to a crowded, remote facility that is not equipped...
Israel has passed a law that bans mass protest during the country’s coronavirus lockdown in a move government opponents have claimed exploits the health...
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