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ZenВАШИНГТОН, 12 января Пожары в Калифорнии могут стать самой страшной катастрофой в истории США с точки зрения масштаба разрушений и связанных с ними затрат....
Ранее он по просьбе телефонных мошенников брал деньги у обманутых граждан Появились новые подробности вчерашнего инцидента в центре Москвы, где пенсионер поджег полицейскую машину...
Эксперты напоминают о рисках употребления остатков еды В своей статье в Women's Weekly женщина поделилась поучительной историей. Она призналась, что решила сэкономить на собственной...
Дзен Во второй рабочий день нового года «Крылья Советов» обзаведутся новым председателем совета директоров. Спортивные источники подтвердили «РБК Спорт» информацию: единственный и безальтернативный кандидат...
More than 4,400 relatives and victims of the Las Vegas Strip shooting, the deadliest in recent US history, will receive a settlement totaling $800m...
Joe Kwong* loves Hong Kong. But he knows he has to leave. A university-educated construction worker in his 30s, he is just one of...
California will consider paying reparations to descendants of slavery, becoming the first state in the US on Wednesday to adopt a law to study...
A top Vatican official has accused Donald Trump’s administration of exploiting Pope Francis in the final stages of the US presidential election campaign. The...
The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has joined the mayors of New York, Los Angeles and Paris in refusing to attend or send a...
A wave of demonstrations has erupted across Venezuela as angry citizens flout lockdown restrictions to demand an end to worsening shortages of everything from...
China's relationship with the West has become more strained in recent years Credit: EPA The outgoing head of MI6 has said the West “got it...
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange comes out on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in 2016 Credit: BEN STANSALL Julian Assange was bugged in the toilet at...
A tiny religious organization tied to Amy Coney Barrett, Donald Trump’s supreme court nominee, sought to erase all mentions and photos of her from...
What do the latest numbers say? With infections still on the rise, and sharply in some regions, it is clear that the latest restrictions...
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