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Горожан будет обслуживать беспилотный роботакси Первый в мире «город будущего» почти готов приветствовать первых жителей. Разработанный автопроизводителем Toyota, Woven City расположен у подножия горы...
Феномен кокни вышел далеко за пределы Лондона Ученый заявил, что неожиданный акцент является 'самым влиятельным в мире'. Акцент, о котором идет речь, — это...
Итальянская марка Alfa Romeo, принадлежащая корпорации Stellantis, на Брюссельском автосалоне официально представила полноприводный субкомпактный кроссовер Alfa Romeo Junior Q4. В техническом плане он идентичен...
Большой трехрядный внедорожник Volkswagen получит переработанную переднюю и заднюю части. Кроме того, модель оснастят другим двигателем. Гигантский кроссовер Volkswagen Talagon дебютировал в серийном виде...
Europe's wolves are protected by the Bern Convention but can be culled under certain circumstances Credit: JOE KLAMAR/AFP A "mad wolf" that killed over...
The new guide bans the use of 'foreigner' and 'fare dodger' Credit: REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch/File Photo State employees in Berlin have been told to watch...
The Major has been exonerated Credit: David Rose An Army major subjected to eight investigations over the death of an Iraqi 17 years ago...
The Covid-19 virus is continuing to mutate throughout the course of the pandemic, with experts believing it is probably becoming more contagious , as...
Police in Vietnam have confiscated an estimated 345,000 used condoms which had been cleaned and resold as new, state media reported. Footage by state-owned...
The launch of the NHS Covid-19 app in England and Wales has exposed problems with the programme, some of which were known about in...
Nicolas Sarkozy denies wrongdoing in probe into whether he received €50m in cash from Libya Nicolas Sarkozy has failed in his attempt to quash...
A group of royalists protest in front of parliament as they counter protest pro-democracy demonstrators Credit: Allison Joyce/Getty Images More than a thousand Thai protesters rallied...
The unnamed construction worker ate around one and a half bags of liquorice a day Credit: Getty Images An American man has died after...
An international tribunal investigating war crimes committed during Kosovo’s 1998-99 independence war has arrested its first suspect, a former commander of separatist fighters. The...
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