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ДзенМОСКВА, 9 января Объявление номинантов на премию американской киноакадемии «Оскар» перенесено с 17 на 19 января из-за лесных пожаров в Лос-Анджелесе, сообщает CBS News...
ZenМОСКВА, 9 января. Депутат Госдумы Александр Толмачев («Единая Россия») призвал российского певца и актера Алексея Воробьева вернуться из США в Москву. Ранее Воробьев сообщал,...
ZenМОСКВА, 10 января. Бывшие топ-менеджеры «Роснано» Олег Киселев и Ирина Рапопорт объявлены в международный розыск по делу о хищении, говорится в судебных документах, имеющихся...
В США учитель английского изнасиловал несовершеннолетнюю ученицу Фото: Кайл Мацца/Keystone Press Agency/Global Look Press 25-летняя учительница английского языка из Калифорнии, США, обвиняется в изнасиловании...
For decades a forgotten corner of Mozambique, Cabo Delgado has now become the country’s El Dorado, promising billions in natural gas and gemstones but...
Naqeeb, a 20-year old refugee from Afghanistan, has watched with increasing dismay the reaction of politicians and journalists to the people who are risking...
YouTube viewers are being asked to become “watchdogs” and record their use of the site to help uncover the ways in which its recommendation...
The first time Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) flew Marta across the country, she feared catching the coronavirus. After five months of being shuttled...
The American artist behind a controversial statue of the US First Lady Melania Trump, unveiled this week in bronze in her native Slovenia, has...
Five men allegedly involved in the toppling of the statue of the slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol have been offered cautions by the...
Government scientists have warned of a “developing situation” over people bringing coronavirus into the UK after travelling abroad and returning home without being tested....
Workers in Qatar may now change jobs without needing to obtain their employers’ permission, ending one of the most criticised elements of the country’s...
Human rights campaigners are calling on US authorities to ban all imports of cotton from the Chinese province of Xinjiang after allegations of widespread...
How do you predict where a deadly tropical disease such as Ebola, possibly the most virulent in the world, will appear next? Since it...
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