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МОСКВА, 6 мар, Олег Богатов. Российский шахматист Александр Грищук заявил , что заинтересован в проведении матча с американским гроссмейстером Хансом Ниманном, если тот предложит...
МОСКВА, 5 мар. Олимпийские чемпионки Алина Загитова, Анна Щербакова, а также серебряный призер Олимпийских игр Александра Трусова будут капитанами команд на Кубке Первого канала...
МОСКВА, 6 мар. Актер Глеб Калюжный, известный по сериалу «Вампиры средней полосы», стал фигурантом уголовного дела из-за неявки в военкомат, сообщили в правоохранительных органах....
ГААГА, 3 мар. Работа фламандского художника Питера Брейгеля Младшего, украденная в 1974 году из музея в Польше, нашлась в музее в Нидерландах, сообщила газета...
When Tim Berners-Lee was designing the technology that has transformed our world, he looked for a noun that would describe what he had in...
Women risk being kidnapped for marriage on the Indonesian island of Sumba Credit: Dita Alangkara/AP An audit meeting with local officials on the Indonesian...
Mr Katayama was taken on a private tour by the head of the park Credit: Jesse Katayama/Instagram Mr Katayama was escorted to the site...
After 10 years of living peaceably in Alamance county, an overwhelmingly white-majority rural county in North Carolina between Raleigh and Greensboro, Bonnie Dobson had...
Good morning, Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail on Monday evening, voice still audibly hoarse but with two supposedly negative Covid-19 tests to...
Whülü Thurr is a staunch believer in ancient farming traditions. “There is an old adage,” she says, “which goes ‘even a single stalk of...
The UK communities secretary has defended the government’s decision to ignore warnings from its scientific advisers that the country needed a two-week “circuit breaker”...
Pangolins are the world’s most heavily trafficked mammal Credit: AFP China is still allowing the use of pangolin scales in traditional medicine despite pledging to...
We should now consider why African countries must invest in science and technology, how science creates wealth, and what Africa must do to achieve...
We may rely on computers, but we don’t notice what they’re telling us about online threats. Google recently had to redesign the security warnings...
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