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Ваш браузер не поддерживает данный формат видео. С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, 10 мар. Жителя Гатчины задержали за оправдание теракта на севере Москвы в июле прошлого года, в...
МОСКВА, 10 мар. Мужская сборная России по футзалу выступит на международном турнире в Таиланде, где сыграет с командами Таиланда, Кувейта и Ирана, сообщается на...
МОСКВА, 10 мар. «Коламбус Блю Джекетс» обыграл «Нью-Йорк Рейнджерс» в матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ). Встреча в Нью-Йорке завершилась со счетом 7:3...
МОСКВА, 8 мар. Концерт народного артиста РСФСР, юмориста Евгения Петросяна с новой программой «Петросян ШОУ», запланированный на 10 марта в ДК «Россия» в Серпухове,...
Google has apologized after its new photo app labelled two black people as “gorillas”. The photo service, launched in May, automatically tags uploaded pictures...
Tesla’s quarterly earnings calls are rarely dull. The most recent one was no exception. In July, chief executive Elon Musk made a direct plea...
Many Americans were stunned when Donald Trump narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin in 2016. Greg Lewis was not. In the months leading up...
Immigrant rights groups are calling on New York senators to oppose the judicial nomination of a top Department of Justice official because of her...
When I was seven, I caught a herring with my hands from the beach beside my grandma’s house in my hometown of Sitka, Alaska....
With much of northern California still under lockdown and wildfires raging across the state, Corinne Perham’s nine-year-old daughter recently asked: can coronavirus and fire...
He has broken ethics laws twice and is facing investigation for a third possible violation. But Justin Trudeau is betting that his government’s handling...
As a television drama of the real-life investigation into the murder of a young woman by her family airs this month, her sister told...
Betrayed by her own family, isolated from the outside world and raped daily by her violent husband, one desperate teenager turned to a confidential...
Alexei Navalny said on Saturday that he can now walk with a "tremble" Credit: Handout/AFP Alexei Navalny, Russia’s opposition leader who was in a...
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