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President Donald Trump in hospital – everything we know, and what it means for the US election

Donald Trump and Joe Biden stood well apart at this week's US election debate 

Credit: AFP

Could Joe Biden be infected after the US presidential debate?

Joe Biden and his wife Jill have tested negative for coronavirus, according to NBC News. 

Mr Biden and Mr Trump both attended the first presidential debate on Tuesday night, although they did stand at opposite edges of the stage behind their podiums. 

Dr Kevin O’Connor said in a statement on Friday: "Vice President Joe Biden and Dr Jill Biden underwent PCR testing for Covid-19 today and Covid-19 was not detected.

"I am reporting this out in my capacity as both Vice President Biden and Dr Biden’s primary care physician."

Trump covid timeline

What does this mean for the second debate?

The second meeting between Mr Trump and Mr Biden, set for October 15, could in theory still go ahead. 

In the US those who test positive for coronavirus must self-isolate for 10 days. This means Mr and Mrs Trump could be out of the White House by October 11.

But rules dictate those who show symptoms of the virus, including a high temperature, continuous cough or loss of taste or smell, must isolate for 10 days from the date symptoms first appear. 

This could put the next showdown, hosted by public service C-SPAN anchor Steve Scully in Miami on October 15, at risk of being postponed. 

The debate differs from the first in that it is modelled on a town hall, with Miami residents in the audience given the opportunity to quiz Mr Trump and Mr Biden.

Mr Scully has been dubbed “the most patient man in television” which, if the debate runs anything like the first round, is probably for the best.

Who is Hope Hicks?

Hope Hicks, a 31-year-old advisor to the President, is the closest of his aides so far to test positive for coronavirus.

Ms Hicks has been by Mr Trump’s side since the very beginning, having started working with the President in 2015 for her first job in politics at age 26. 

After following the President to the White House, she rose to White House communications director before departing in March 2018. She then accepted a job as head of communications for Fox News. 

In February 2020 she returned to the President’s side to be a counsellor, but reports directly to Jared Kushner, Mr Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor.

"There is no one more devoted to implementing President Trump’s agenda than Hope Hicks," Mr Kushner said in a statement to The New York Times. "We are excited to have her back on the team."

Read more: Meet Hope Hicks: One of Donald Trump’s closest and longest-serving aides

Donald Trump with Hope Hicks

Credit: AFP

Who else has been tested so far?

Many White House and senior administration officials were undergoing tests on Friday, but the full scale of the outbreak around the President may not be known for some time because it can take days for an infection to be detectable with a test.

Officials with the White House Medical Unit were still in the process of tracing the President’s contacts, an official said. Here are the testing outcomes we know of so far:

  • Hope Hicks: Positive

  • Campaign manager Bill Stepien: Positive

  • Kellyanne Conway, former White House counsellor: Positive

  • Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee: Positive

  • Senator Mike Lee: Positive 

  • Senator Thom Tillis: Positive

  • Senator Ron Johnson: Positive

  • Chris Christie, Former New Jersey governor: Positive

  • Joe Biden: Negative

  • Ivanka Trump: Negative

  • Jared Kushner: Negative

  • Donald Trump Jr: Negative

  • Barron Trump: Negative

  • Vice President Mike Pence: Negative

  • Amy Coney Barrett: Negative

  • Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris: Negative

  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Negative

  • Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin: Negative 

  • Mark Meadows, White House Chief of Staff: Negative

  • Attorney General Bill Barr: Negative

  • Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives: Negative

  • Secretary of Defence Mark Esper: Negative

  • Nick Luna, personal assistant: Positive

At least 18 members of the US House of Representatives and Senate — 10 Republicans and eight Democrats — have tested positive or are presumed to have had Covid-19.

Trump’s handling of the pandemic

Mr Trump has come under fire for his handling of the pandemic, having dismissed expert advice and proffered controversial theories about the best way to cure the illness, including bleach and UV lights. 

The United States has a growing nationwide death toll of more than 208,000 and 7.3 million confirmed infections. 

Mr Trump’s handling of the pandemic has become a major flashpoint in his fight against Mr Biden, who spent much of the summer off the campaign trail and at his home in Delaware.

Mr Biden has since resumed a more active campaign schedule, but with small, socially distanced crowds because of the virus.

He also regularly wears a mask in public, something Mr Trump mocked him for at Tuesday night’s election debate.

"I don’t wear masks like him," Mr Trump said. "Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from me, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen."

Coronavirus USA Spotlight Chart — cases default

Trump’s vulnerability to coronavirus

Mr Trump had consistently played down concerns about being personally vulnerable to contracting Covid-19, even after White House staff and allies were exposed and sickened over the past several months.

"I felt no vulnerability whatsoever," he said in May.

He has instead encouraged governors to reopen their states and tried to focus the nation’s attention on efforts to revive the economy, rather than its growing death toll, as he seeks another four-year term.

The President and his staff regularly do not wear masks. Mr Trump has denigrated people who wear them — despite health professionals saying masks are one of the key things people can do to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Mr Trump and his aides regularly get tested for coronavirus — but testing does not make someone immune.

Read more: How was the virus able to reach ‘the world’s most tested man’? 

The New York Daily News led with the headline 'infected'

The world reacts

The announcement that America’s first couple had tested positive reverberated through world media and financial markets. 

US Vice President Mike Pence was one of the first to offer the couple his best wishes. 

"Karen and I send our love and prayers to our dear friends President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS Melania Trump. We join millions across America praying for their full and swift recovery. God bless you President Trump & our wonderful First Lady Melania," he tweeted. 

Karen and I send our love and prayers to our dear friends President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS Melania Trump. We join millions across America praying for their full and swift recovery. God bless you President Trump & our wonderful First Lady Melania.

— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) October 2, 2020

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who needed hospital treatment after falling ill with coronavirus, wished Donald and Melania Trump well after the couple tested positive.

He tweeted: "My best wishes to President Trump and the First Lady. Hope they both have a speedy recovery from coronavirus."

Russian President Vladimir Putin wished the President a speedy recovery in a telegram on Friday, saying he was sure the US leader’s qualities would help him fight coronavirus.

"I am convinced that your vitality, good spirits and optimism will help you cope with this dangerous virus," the Kremlin quoted Mr Putin as saying in the message.

Barack Obama, Mr Trump’s predecessor, sent his best wishes to the President. He said: "We’re all Americans and we’re all human beings, and we want to make sure everybody is healthy."

Michelle and I hope that the President, First Lady, and all those affected by the coronavirus around the country are getting the care they need and are on the path to a speedy recovery.

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 2, 2020

Other world leaders have taken the opportunity to warn of the severity of the virus, or make digs at the president for his response to coronavirus. 

Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of China’s Global Times, tweeted: "President Trump and the first lady have paid the price for his gamble to play down the Covid-19.

"The news shows the severity of the US’ pandemic situation. It will impose a negative impact on the image of Trump and the US, and may also negatively affect his re-election."

The World Health Organisation wished Mr Trump a swift recovery, but avoided criticising his disdain for its advice on the virus, including the use of face masks.

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