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Joe Biden’s first press conference: President dodges gaffes in a genteel tea party atmosphere

President Joe Biden looks on notes as he answers questions from journalists during the first formal press conference of his presidency

Credit: Oliver Contreras/Pool/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Expectations for Mr Biden’s performance had been set low, and he exceeded those. He appeared to have at least most of the facts at his 78-year-old fingertips.

Nothing he said registered on the gaffe Richter scale. Mr Biden’s handlers had been bounced into the event by public opinion. Forced to finally let the president off the leash they sat in the wings looking a little nervous, hoping the president wouldn’t lose his temper, or give rambling answers.

They scheduled the press conference in the middle of the day, when few working Americans would see it. A "controlled cop out," Republicans said. Mr Biden successfully kept his temper, which he has been known to lose.

There was only one flash of anger, on the subject of voting rights. He gesticulated and called efforts to impede voting "un-American and sick". So far, Mr Biden’s approval ratings have remained remarkably steady since he was elected, at about 54 per cent.

At the same stage he is significantly ahead of Mr Trump, although well behind Barack Obama.

His main mission was to do no major harm to that number with this appearance, and in that he succeeded.

Mr Biden has spoken about 120,000 words publicly since his inauguration. Mr Trump had reached three times that at the same stage.

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