Modern medicine cannot yet find a worthy replacement for these organs
Scientists from China have once again surprised the world with their findings. They found that the human body can easily do without what we once thought were five vital organs. These include the gallbladder, lungs, kidneys, appendix and stomach. The average person, in turn, can only agree on the verdict regarding the appendix. But perhaps there is something we don’t know, and Chinese medicine has moved far beyond even the 21st century.
Eastern experts claim that if one of these organs is lost, a person can live to a ripe old age.
“Today we can only do without the appendix and gall bladder,” says surgeon Nikolai Emelyanov, who commented on the application of Chinese scientists to MK. “However, the scientific community still maintains the opinion that the gallbladder is a great loss for a person. Why? Bile, which is usually stored in the bladder, begins to flow directly into the intestines, which can cause changes in the digestive system and put a very severe strain on the pancreas.
Modern medicine offers various methods to replace and support organs if they are lost or not functioning properly. For example, people may receive oxygen therapy if they have lung problems or undergo dialysis if their kidneys have stopped working. However, no one has yet managed to exist completely without lungs. What do foreign experts point to?
“A person can only live without one lung for now,” says pulmonologist Vyacheslav Zolotov. — The operation to remove it is called pneumonectomy. This is an extremely complex surgical procedure. After such manipulation, a person can no longer continue to lead his usual lifestyle. He is given a disability.
In surgery, nothing can replace lung function. They not only help us breathe, but also serve as a filter that protects the body from harmful substances and infections. There is no technology in modern medicine that will allow us to create a viable alternative to lungs. However, in two decades, the Chinese believe, they can be easily grown on an industrial scale. Because a couple of years ago, biotechnologists from the medical department of the University of Texas succeeded in creating lungs in the laboratory. Now they are transplanted into pigs and the effect is observed.
What then to do with the kidneys and stomach. Will it be just as easy to replace them in the future?
You can live for many years with one kidney — the same as with two, provided the correct therapy is followed. Without two, it is also possible, but the average lifespan of such patients is no more than two years. They are forced to undergo a constant hemodialysis procedure, which, for all its advantages, is not a panacea. Perhaps, if technologies are improved, the quality of life of such patients will improve.
But gastric resection is a completely ordinary matter. This digestive organ is removed during oncology. People with their stomach removed continue to eat simple food, but in extremely small portions. They immediately “fall through” into the intestines.

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