On Thursday it became known that the United World Wrestling Commission (UWW) did not allow two-time Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling Abdulrashid Sadulayev to the tournament in Baku, where licenses to participate in the Olympics in Paris will be played out. For what reason and what could follow? About this — in the material of the Sport correspondent.
Another provocation of the IOCAbdulrashid Sadulayev is the winner of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the champion of the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo and one of the most titled potential participants in the 2024 Games in Paris. However, apparently, the International Olympic Committee does not want to see the eminent freestyle wrestler there. In February 2024, border guards did not allow Sadulayev to enter Romania on a valid Schengen visa, where he was supposed to compete at the European Championships, although before that he had not had any problems entering Spain, for example. And now the IOC itself has entered into the matter — as initially stated by the President of the Russian Wrestling Federation (FSBR) Mikhail Mamiashvili.
«»The International Olympic Committee, after another pseudo-check, published new lists of those not allowed to participate in international competitions. Unfortunately, the two-time winner of the Olympic Games, the captain of our team, Abdulrashid Sadulayev, was on them. Alas, even if Sadulayev comes (to the qualifying tournament) in Baku, he will not be allowed to the competition. We were promptly contacted by the United World of Wrestling (UWW) and given the opportunity to make a replacement as soon as possible — Alikhan Zhabrailov will perform in Baku. I want to emphasize that the decision to not admit Sadulayev was made by the IOC, while the UWW, on the contrary, did everything possible, so that Sadulayev fights,” Mamiashvili said on the FSBR website.
The reason why Sadulayev was included in the IOC “black list” appeared later on the UWW website — the decision of an independent commission of this organization was due to the wrestler’s affiliation with the Dynamo society and information about his support for the SVO. But even without any explanation it is clear: the standard-bearer of the Russian team at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, who was in Tokyo an eminent athlete nicknamed the Russian Tank, could hardly have given this organization the status of “neutral”. As well as those who, in principle, categorically do not want to see Russians in Paris.
The IOC press service, in response to a request regarding Sadulayev’s removal, referred to the decision of the UWW commission. However, Mamiashvili’s remark that the United World of Wrestling has nothing against Sadulaev’s participation in the selection for the Olympics in Paris is very indicative here. The head of our federation, who is in excellent relations with the head of the UWW, Serb Nenad Lalovic, can be trusted. This international organization is among those that have clearly set their accents. If you don't want to meet Russians on the sports field, that's your problem. And it seems that the International Olympic Committee is not happy with this policy, since it has to intervene and veto the participation of individual athletes in competitions.
Reaction in Russia Sadulayev has become the second famous Russian wrestler to whom the IOC is blocking the granting of neutral status, necessary to compete at international competitions. Earlier, Tokyo Olympic champion Musa Evloev was not allowed to attend the same February European Championship in Romania. And later he was not allowed to participate in the qualifying tournament for the 2024 Olympics in Baku. As Mamiashvili reported, this happened because of a photograph of Yevloev against the background of a poster with the words “No to Nazism.”
This, by the way, is based on the principle of the supremacy of decisions of international sports federations, which has been repeatedly declared by the IOC. It is he who is remembered in Lausanne when they hear questions about why not all sports comply with the recommendations on the admission of Russian athletes in a neutral status. For example, ours do not compete at all in athletics or all winter sports. “They have the right,” they say to this in the IOC, but at the same time they themselves cross out names they don’t like from the list of Russian athletes performing.
“The main assumption is that this is somehow connected with Sadulayev’s military rank,” said Svetlana Zhurova, an Olympic champion in speed skating and State Duma deputy, in a conversation with Svetlana Zhurova. “But in our country, after the military department, everyone receives some kind of rank. Many athletes serve, yes and this is a common occurrence in the world. Therefore, I am sure that even if someone does qualify for the Olympic Games, they will come up with any reasons not to let Russian athletes in.»
«»We saw the statements of the mayor of Paris that our athletes will not be welcome there. So they will use any reasons. It is very important for them that none of the Russians get on the podium. I think, unless tennis players eventually take part in the Olympics , if there is some kind of agreement,” Zhurova added.
Here I would like to slightly complement the Olympic champion. The IOC, such a suspicion, it is important that none of those Russians who will then return home and be greeted as national heroes get on the podium. Triumphants who achieved success at the Olympics despite crazy discrimination, who will tell their homeland — we did this for you. Perhaps even after this they will not care if the IOC punishes them in some way.
Russian tennis players, and here Zhurova is absolutely right, are very convenient for the International Olympic Committee as participants in the 2024 Games. From Paris they will fly not to Russia, but to America — to prepare for the US Open in New York. In the priorities of almost every professional tennis player, the Olympics are far behind the Grand Slam tournaments and maybe even the Masters. And it is unlikely that any of them, if they achieve success at the Games in Paris, will risk their careers for the sake of a patriotic gesture in their country.
As for the fight, after such actions by the IOC in relation to Sadulaev, the question arises: will they refuse Now our athletes are away from going to the Olympics. The camaraderie among the wrestlers is strong. The official position of our federation allows such a development of events. “At the moment, all Russian wrestlers are faced with a clear task — to get tickets to the Olympic Games on a sporting basis. And then we will weigh the pros and cons and decide whether to go to Paris,” Mamiashvili concluded.

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