The student underwent emergency surgery
A 12-year-old resident of one of the cities in the south of the Moscow region was recently hospitalized with serious injuries after placing a mop into his body.
As “MK” found out, on the fateful day late in the evening a schoolboy who lived in an apartment with his parents and older 17-year-old sister went to the bathroom. Some time later, the mother heard her son’s cry for help. Together with her husband, she knocked down the door. The parents saw their son, who was covered in blood. There was a mop lying nearby.
“We immediately called an ambulance and at first couldn’t understand what happened,” the teenager’s mother told the police.
As it turned out, in recent months the parents have They noticed strange behavior in the boy, but did not attach much importance to it, citing his adolescence. Although they tried to raise him in their own way: they took away his tablet and did not allow him to sit at the computer for a long time.
“But my son still sometimes behaved inappropriately,” the woman sighs. – That is, he began puberty, and first of all, it is our fault that we did not know what to do in this case, to explain to him…
The boy has already been operated on: he had a rupture of the rectum . The teenager will remain in the hospital for some time. According to doctors, everything will work out without any significant health consequences.

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