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Butman Reveals Who Protests at Russian Musicians' Concerts in the West

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MOSCOW, August 3 European and American audiences accept Russian artists very well, but there are those who protest for money, inciting hatred of Russia and Russian culture , People's Artist of the Russian Federation, jazzman Igor Butman said in an interview.
«We are not performing in Europe now. We last performed in the US in December. They are receiving us very well. But there are people who come out to protest, stand and shout at the concert guests. But this has been the case since 2014. All the concerts in America and Germany were held with the participation of some stupid people who stand with posters and say that we are «jazzing in war», absolutely not understanding that they are inciting hatred,» he said.

According to Butman, «corrupt protesters» have found a «scene» thanks to the talent of Russian artists. «But now we don't go there, because many people simply don't want provocations, especially promoters, concert hall managers, because activists write and sometimes threaten,» he added.

As the jazzman emphasized, musicians always, regardless of what is happening in the world, try to bring love and beauty.
Read the full text of Igor Butman's interview>>

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