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Central Bank employees detained in Russia

«Base»: two employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation detained for fraud with old banknotes

Two employees of the Central Bank of Russia were detained by special services for fraud with worn-out banknotes. This was reported by Baza. It is noted that they are suspected of stealing money that they intended to destroy.

It is specified that two engineers from the departments of the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation were detained.

According to the investigation, 36-year-old Andrei Tishensky and 49-year-old Sergei Protsko, in collusion with other persons, while in the building of the Central Bank, stole about two thousand five-thousand-ruble notes (approximately 9.77 million rubles), which were to be destroyed with special equipment. The exact date of the theft is unknown, the loss of the banknotes was discovered in July.

It is possible that the amount stolen by the bankers may be larger. During the search, worn-out money worth over 100 million rubles was found on one of the suspects.

Investigators opened a case under Part 4 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Theft committed by a group of persons on an especially large scale”).           

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