Ahead of Wednesday’s vice-presidential debate, the buzz was around whether Kamala Harris or Mike Pence would turn in a standout performance.
Instead, the unexpected star of the show was a fly, which landed on Pence’s head and sat there, seemingly carefree, for a full two minutes.
Timothy Burke
Total time a fly sat on Mike Pence’s head: two minutes pic.twitter.com/PtI0rKSi5I
October 8, 2020
Bill Kristol
My debate ranking:
1. Senator Harris.
2. The fly.
3. Vice President Pence.
October 8, 2020
Josh Marshall
who will land the interview with the fly? the ride time was amazing. https://t.co/ezp0R9bRH9
October 8, 2020
The unnamed fly prompted much commentary online, and the word “flies” began trending on Twitter. Some pointed out that flies, according to conventional wisdom, are drawn to feces.
nate dern
A fly landing on Pence’s head while he’s saying “systemic racism isn’t real” is the universe’s way of saying “this is bullshit.” pic.twitter.com/25dBH2t5zr
October 8, 2020
Patton Oswalt
EWWWWWWWWW that fly has Mike Pence on his stomach. #VPDebate
October 8, 2020
It wasn’t long before the fly had its own Twitter account – Mike Pence’s Fly.
During her debate prep Harris and her team were aware of the double standard women in power are subjected to compared with men – including increased scrutiny over how women look.
But it was Pence’s appearance which drew more attention.
Setting aside the issue of the vice-president having a fly on his head, people also pointed to the condition of his left eye.
Numerous viewers spotted that Pence’s left eye had a distinctly pinky-red tone, prompting widespread discussion about pink eye.
Padma Lakshmi
Is he ok? pic.twitter.com/77qDCYdFGr
October 8, 2020
Claudia Jordan
#FAKENEWS he was terrible and amazingly stiff and fake. And looked sick with the pink eye AND the fly was attracted to sh*t. https://t.co/sxvaqGywfT
October 8, 2020
Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, can be a symptom of coronavirus. Pence tested negative for Covid-19 ahead of the debate – dozens of Donald Trump’s other contacts were not so lucky.
With commendable speed, the Biden-Harris campaign seized on the fly issue: Biden tweeted a fly-related fundraising ask (“Pitch in $5 to help this campaign fly”), and “flywillvote.com” which redirected to a website where Americans can register to vote.
Joe Biden
Pitch in $5 to help this campaign fly. https://t.co/CqHAId0j8t pic.twitter.com/NbkPl0a8HV
October 8, 2020
Joe Biden
October 8, 2020

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