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ZenВАШИНГТОН, 12 января Пожары в Калифорнии могут стать самой страшной катастрофой в истории США с точки зрения масштаба разрушений и связанных с ними затрат....
Ранее он по просьбе телефонных мошенников брал деньги у обманутых граждан Появились новые подробности вчерашнего инцидента в центре Москвы, где пенсионер поджег полицейскую машину...
Эксперты напоминают о рисках употребления остатков еды В своей статье в Women's Weekly женщина поделилась поучительной историей. Она призналась, что решила сэкономить на собственной...
Дзен Во второй рабочий день нового года «Крылья Советов» обзаведутся новым председателем совета директоров. Спортивные источники подтвердили «РБК Спорт» информацию: единственный и безальтернативный кандидат...
A man receives a vaccination against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at a vaccination center in Jerusalem Credit: Reuters/Reuters For the first time since the...
Disabled and chronically ill Californians say that the state’s coronavirus vaccine distribution is leaving them in the lurch, as the death toll in the...
Sign up for the Guardian’s First Thing newsletter A desk in the US Senate was notably empty for chunks of Donald Trump’s second impeachment...
It was “a little terrifying”, Eleanor Roosevelt told the Associated Press about her husband Franklin’s inauguration as US president in 1933. “The crowds were...
The government is not sure where billions of pounds worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) is located, the head of the National Audit Office...
Nearly three months after an armed confrontation in rural Canada, a police watchdog has concluded that a police bullet killed a one-year-old baby when...
Argentina, which has recorded more than 2 million confirmed coronavirus cases, was one of the first countries in the world to start using the...
Covid-19 allowed for an experiment in US healthcare: what if doctor’s visits and hospitalizations didn’t cost people money? In response to the pandemic, major...
Chinese New Year celebrations in London on January 26, 2020 Credit: Jeff Gilbert Chinese New Year is here – and with it comes a host of superstitions...
Ireland’s president, Michael D Higgins, has made a sharp critique of British imperialism and the “feigned amnesia” of academics and journalists who refuse to...
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