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  5. A bully classmate smashed a Moscow schoolgirl's head with a ..


A bully classmate smashed a Moscow schoolgirl's head with a stone

The young tyrant has been pursuing the unfortunate woman for the second year

For the second time in the last two weeks, a metropolitan schoolgirl ended up in the hospital, the victim of a classmate's bully.

As MK learned, on April 10, 12-year-old Karina (name changed) and her classmates attended a meeting with an astronaut, and then went with her friends for a walk to the recreation park on Lazo Street. At some point, she felt a decent blow to the back of her head – as it turned out, someone threw a piece of asphalt in her direction.

The girl was hospitalized with a concussion, a closed head injury and a hematoma in the occipital region. Doctors are not yet allowing the patient to get out of bed for fear of hemorrhage.

This is the second time the girl has been hospitalized. On March 31, when Karina and her friends were walking from school, she was attacked by a classmate and two friends. Threatening with a gas canister, the boy took away water and sweets, and then beat him. Karina was hospitalized with a concussion and a knee bruise, and her family filed a statement with the police.

The conflict between the victim and her classmate has been going on for two years now. The boy chases Karina, opens his arms, can turn over the girl’s bag and throw things on the floor. Last year, a hooligan and his friends spat on a girl’s things. After the incident, the unfortunate woman refused to go to school. Relatives more than once turned to the school management and asked to transfer their daughter to another class.

A few days before the attack in March, they again talked with the class teacher, who promised to have a conversation with the bully. However, the student’s behavior has not improved.

Now law enforcement officers will talk with the school tyrant and find out his degree of guilt in the new incident.

At the same time, the director of the school where the victim studies has put forward her own version events. According to her, the girl did not see the attacker. “It is also incorrect to say that the schoolgirl was previously beaten by a classmate. At the end of March, there really was an argument between her and the guys from another class when they were all walking home together. The school administration conducted an investigation into this matter, and there was no beating. The guys who were nearby also confirm this information. We would like to add that the schoolgirl’s mother never asked to transfer the girl to another class. We wish the girl good health and look forward to her return to classes.»

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