Russian dance couple Annabel Morozova/Igor Eremenko, by Sports information, they are considering the issue of changing citizenship to French. Why are skaters leaving Russia and is it only the exclusion from international competitions that is to blame?
Annabelle, a charming and talented girl, is the daughter of the legendary Nikolai Morozov — either the gray or white cardinal of Russian ice dancing. She was born in the USA, her mother is French Caroline Douarin. It is surprising, by the way, that with all the power of Nikolai’s authority, Annabelle by the age of 22 had not yet acquired any high-profile titles or a ticket to the Olympics. In ice dancing, where no matter where you poke you will end up with the daughter, son, grandson, nephew of some famous figure skater, a lot is decided under the carpet, and if the data is appropriate, then you are generally welcome. But either Annabelle did not use this administrative resource in full, or not the most fortunate circumstances prevented her, but now she doesn’t even dare to talk about her “connection”.
Instead, Annabelle independently went from “raw material” to one of the best partners in Russia. Not without the shadow help of his father, probably, but compare it now and, say, four years ago — it’s impossible not to notice the difference. Previously, she was considered, as they say in dance, “shaggy” — as if a little unfinished, not fully revealed. I just want someone knowledgeable to “comb it.” And they combed their hair. Now both good glide and presentation are in place. Previously, Annabelle did not always demonstrate the necessary emotions at the box office, but over time, this drawback went away. And from the technical side there are no problems with it.
She spent a long time searching for the ideal partner. Annabelle spent the initial stage of her career with Andrei Bagin, once making it to the podium of an international tournament in Zagreb and taking second place in the Russian Cup Final — not a lot in almost four years of joint performances. Then she paired up with David Narizhny, and high hopes were placed on this duet. But it did not last long — less than six months. Right on the eve of the Russian Championship, the couple broke up — according to one version, due to the fact that Narizhny did not want to go to the USA for training.
And then Igor Eremenko resumes his career — a talented, experienced partner (26 years old), even titled in juniors and, it seems, ready for anything. Given the current developments, it's hard to shake the feeling that the search for the right person for Annabelle ultimately came down to potentially agreeing to a transfer to another country. Perhaps she did not see herself in the Russian national team in the long term, or she was simply not ready to go over her head (and in our dances she will have to walk a lot), but news about Annabelle’s intentions to change her sports citizenship have appeared regularly over the past few years. True, it has only now come to the specifics of this issue — at the right time and with the right person.
By the way, few people know, but actually Annabelle did not start her figure skating career in Russia. Since 2014, she, being a citizen of France and the United States, has competed in domestic tournaments of both countries as a singles player and even won prizes. And only two years later it was decided to change the single skating to ice dancing, and the national team to the Russian one. Now the paths will go in the opposite direction.
Perhaps the main question is why Annabelle and Igor decided to formalize the transition only now? Formally, they entered the current season. Even though Morozova and Eremenko performed only at one stage of the Grand Prix out of two, and even that due to a serious injury to their partners was completed at the rhythm dance stage, they are still listed in the protocol. Thus, the international one-year quarantine for them starts from November 2023. Moreover, if they missed the current domestic season, they could sign up for France or any other country even from December — the closest date of possible receipt of a release from the FFKKR.
Now the wait will stretch for at least a year. In addition, the question of the partner’s citizenship comes up sharply — without it, according to ISU rules, you can compete at the European and World Championships (the partner’s passport will suffice there), but the path to the Olympics is barred. Obtaining a French passport is not so easy. Perhaps the easiest way is to marry a French citizen, but even then you will have to wait four years after the wedding. By the way, Tatyana Tarasova also suggested this same option in a conversation with.
"Morozova does not need to change her citizenship, because she is a citizen of France. Eremenko? Tomorrow they got married and he will have citizenship. I think that in France they will immediately compete at the European and World Championships. This is a good couple, so I’m sorry,” said Tarasova.
Apparently, Morozova/Eremenko expect to work for a long time, and this desire can only be welcomed.

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