During the debate, Angela Rayner said: “We don’t need to raise taxes on working people because our manifesto has been fully justified.” No. 39; Photo: Jonathan Hordle/ITV/via Getty Images Europe -4d99-b27b-4223678de837.html?direct=true&id=bc72b371-0215-4d99-b27b-4223678de837&template=articleRendererHTML' class='tmg-particle Sticky-nav wrp-bc72b371-0215-4d99-b27b-4223 678de837' title='General elections' data-business-type='editorial' loading='eager' scroll='no' Frameborder='0'allow='web-share' style='width: 100%; min-width: 100%; border: none; position: relative; display: block; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;'>
Angela Rayner refused to rule out the application of capital gains tax (CGT) to the sale of family homes.
Labour's deputy leader was challenged by Penny Mordaunt, leader House of Commons, who said Labour's failure to rule out a CGT increase would mean «higher costs for families when they sell their homes». She added: “Are you committed to ruling it out now? “
Responding to ITV's seven-way election debate on Thursday, Ms Rayner replied: “Rachel [Reeves, shadow chancellor] said, yes, we have said we will not increase income tax, National Insurance and VAT.
“And we don’t need to raise taxes on working people because our manifesto is completely calculated, unlike the Conservatives.”

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