Cancellation of preferential mortgages, increase in prices for housing and communal services, reimbursement of funds stolen by fraudsters and other innovations.
From July 1, preferential mortgages with state support at 8% per annum will cease to operatelaunched in 2020. The reason is the discrepancy between the reduced rate and the realities of the financial market, in which the Central Bank set the key rate of 16% per annum. Nevertheless, the Family Mortgage program will remain in effect until 2030, at which the rate will remain 6%. At the same time, the rules for obtaining it will be updated.
Read about what consequences await the real estate market in the Kommersant material.
From July 1 payments for housing and communal services will be indexed.The Russian government has established a maximum permissible deviation, but each region will set the percentage by which tariffs will increase. The maximum indexation of 15% will occur in Transbaikalia, in Khakassia tariffs will increase by only 4%, and the authorities of St. Petersburg have completely canceled the increase. Also, from July 1, bank commissions for paying for housing and communal services for preferential categories of citizens will be abolished.
What other goods and services will become more expensive in the Russian Federation — in the Kommersant material.
From July 1, the method of privatization of municipal and state property will change.Instead of selling objects without announcing a price, a minimum price will be set in the amount of 5% of the initial offer at public auction.
New rules for the privatization of state property on special conditions — in the Kommersant material.
From July 1 a unified procedure for considering applications from applicants to credit institutions will come into force, non-credit financial organizations and persons providing services in the financial market. According to the new rules, it is necessary to respond to the applicant’s request within 15 (in some cases 25) days.
On the record performance of microfinance organizations — in the material «Kommersant».
From July 1the premium on risk coefficients for loans will increase. This will complicate the procedure for obtaining loans for citizens whose credit load exceeds 50% — banks will be able to give no more than 20% of loans to such clients.
How an increase in the total cost of a loan will affect the lending market — in the material «Kommersant».
From July 1, for borrowers the order of repayment of consumer loan debt will change. Repayment of debt on interest will become a priority, and penalties and fines will be repaid last.< /p>
Details about the sequence of loan repayment under the new law are in the Kommersant material.
< p class="doc__text">From July 1, pensions will be indexedfor the following categories: citizens over 80 years of age, military pensioners and members of their families living in new regions of the Russian Federation, pensioners who have completed their working career after reaching retirement age.
About the new law about the indexation of pensions for working pensioners — in the article «Kommersant».
From July 1, a register will be launched in Russia large families.It is designed to simplify interaction with government agencies and facilitate the receipt of required benefits.
Also about the extension of preferential mortgages for large families — in the article «Kommersant».
From July 1 will increase state duty for obtaining a new type of international passport.For adults it will be 6 thousand rubles. and 3 thousand rubles — for children.
Because of what errors in the international passport the border guards began to confiscate the document — in the Kommersant material.
From July 1state fees associated with obtaining Russian citizenship,with the procedure for entering the territory of Russia, obtaining a residence permit and a work permit will increase.
On the development of a law to combat sham marriages — in the material «Kommersant».
From July 1 the minimum price for alcohol with a strength above 28 degrees will increase .The change will affect both wholesale and retail purchases. The Ministry of Finance has been increasing the minimum price for strong alcohol since 2009. The current price increase schedule was set on January 1, 2023 and will be implemented until the end of 2026.
On changes in consumer behavior in the alcohol market — in the material of Kommersant.
From July 25 changes to the law on the national payment system will come into force. Now, in a number of cases, banks will be obliged reimburse citizens for funds stolen by scammers from their accounts.
What schemes are used by telephone scammers — in the material «Kommersant».
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