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  5. Anatoly Kot: “It’s my profession to justify movie villains”


Anatoly Kot: “It’s my profession to justify movie villains”

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MOSCOW, May 8, Svetlana Vovk. The TV series “Fighters. Battle for Crimea” was released on the Rossiya TV channel. There are large-scale shootings of fights, attacks and chases, and professional drama of a pilot, and love. The regiment commander was played by Igor Petrenko. And his antagonist, the curator from the NKVD, is Anatoly Kot, who has long been called “the main villain of the screen.” The artist spoke in an interview about how to tune in to negative characters, what modern films about the Great Patriotic War lack, as well as about family and work with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

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The series takes place in 1944. Fighter regiment under the command of Alexander Romanov(Igor Petrenko) transferred to Anapa before the upcoming attack on Crimea. During an air battle, the main character captured a German fighter of a new modification. The trophy is sent to the design bureau, where they create a new Soviet fighter, the Yak-9U. Soon Romanov himself finds himself in the design bureau. There he falls in love with Elena Sotnikova (Ekaterina Vilkova). Alexander is confronted by the NKVD curator Vladlen Sorokin (Anatoly Kot).

— Anatoly, you are called “the main villain of the screen,” and here you are again playing the antagonist of the main character. Do you somehow justify your negative characters for yourself?

“It’s my profession to justify them.” For me, this moment in the work is worth a lot — a psychological analysis of the character together with the director: why he acted this way and not otherwise, what this leads to. You know, it's like picking up the key to a safe for a security guard. Great!

— Your hero in the series “Fighters. Battle of Crimea”is an NKVD employee who takes advantage of his position and tries to take his beloved woman away from Alexander Romanov. Is it still possible to sympathize with him in some way? What is he like for you?
— He is petty. You know, Mr. Ripley from the series — he is inventive, albeit petty, and my hero does not have this ingenuity.

— How do you decide whether to accept the role or not?
— The material is important, of course, but the most important thing for me is the team. I love samples, I immediately understand whether it will be interesting to work on them.

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— Many films about the Great Patriotic War are being released now. But some viewers, and not only the older generation, say that in the USSR they knew how to make war films, but now it’s not the same. What do you think?

— I think I agree. Maybe because there were more witnesses to those events before. Now there are many «experts» who either have the wrong gun or the wrong belt. Of course, historical accuracy of details is important, because a small untruth will lead to a big one. But the most important thing is to convey the atmosphere. It worked better before. Although there are decent films these days.

— What is your favorite Soviet movie about the Great Patriotic War?
— Probably “Twenty Days Without War” by Alexei German , with Gurchenko and Nikulin.

— How did your family celebrate Victory Day?
— I didn’t find my grandfathers, I just asked my grandmother, who was going through all this in the rear and was hiding in the forest. You know, we didn’t set a table for this holiday, but we always watched the parades. We lived mainly on subsidiary plots, albeit in the city. And the May holidays are the busiest time for excavation work.
In Belarus, every third family has someone who died in that war, I have known this since childhood, I always remember it. But that's all life. My grandmother told me that the Germans were different — some would kick you, while others would leave a crust of bread and canned food, and the partisans were different. War is always horror. I'm a pacifist. This is probably why I didn’t become a military man like my two brothers.

— But you played this role on the screen many times. Did your brothers, as professional military men, comment on your game? You once joked that in your family they say: my father had three sons, two were military men, and the third was an actor.

— My brothers only said that they raised me well, they are with me elder. We joke that I rose to the rank of army general, and my brother retired as a colonel.
— One of your first film worksthe role of a partisan in the film «Occupation. Mystery». It was later banned from showing in Belarus. What was the matter?
— Well, this just goes back to my grandmother’s story that not all partisans were good. We, who did not live in those years, after many years, of course, idealize them. The management did not like the view of the artists of this picture. And the film was shown at many festivals.

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— In one of your interviews, you said that for you, profession comes first, and then family. Rarely does anyone admit this publicly. Aren't you afraid of offending your wife and daughters?

“Now I’ll probably say the wrong thing.” The profession is important in the sense that it is necessary to provide for my family. But I’m glad that my wife and I can help each other out in some everyday matters.
— You talked about your father, who, in order to feed a large family with five children, took on any job. He was both a tractor driver and an electrician, learned how to dress sheep skins and sewed hats and sheepskin coats. This commands great respect. Not all men are capable of this.
“I really regret that I’m not as big-headed as my father.” But he taught me to work. And I'm not afraid of any work. Another question is that I can’t do much, there must be some kind of special ingenuity, handiness. My father was largely self-taught and at the same time successful, and I was his apprentice. In everyday life, he remained an apprentice. Well, that is, I can drill something, nail it, but build a house — if only under strict guidance.

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— You worked in the theater in Germany in the early 2000s. What roles did you play? Was it a valuable experience at all?
— You know, I also played a one-man show in Berlin called “Notes of a Madman.” But when I left Germany, having already lived there for four years, I realized that it would take too much time before I developed a good accent to get big roles. Therefore, I decided to go to the Mecca of the theatrical environment for a Russian-speaking person — to Moscow. But in Germany both the approach to work and the attitude are different. Valuable experience. For example, I came to the first rehearsal, and they told me: there is already a schedule for six months of performances and tours, tickets are being sold. It was strange for me. Because sometimes, even in the midst of work on a production, no one yet knows when the premiere will take place or whether it will happen.
— Since 2005, you have served in the troupe of the Moscow Theater under the direction of Dzhigarkhanyan. What role did Armen Borisovich play in your acting career?
“He shared with us, with the actors, both his experience and his enormous talent. Just coexisting with him was already a learning experience. For me, this is a huge reverence — and the fact that he accepted me into the theater, whether he praised me or scolded me. He was practically like a god to me. This is a man with an amazing sense of humor, he did everything through jokes and jokes. When we met with the guys from the troupe for our anniversary, we remembered all sorts of his golden, often repeated phrases, some even wrote them down after him. Armen Borisovich knew how to select a family troupe. It was not for nothing that he said: “Let’s see, son, what blood type you are, and then we’ll see.” If they matched in blood type, the person remained in the theater. This is correct.

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