“Russia should not be too generous”
The Western press is actively discussing a draft peace agreement, which Russia and Ukraine failed to conclude in 2022. The famous polymath and native of Odessa Anatoly Wasserman believes that the fact that the signing did not take place was good for our country. According to Wasserman, the points stated in the agreement are too generous a gift from Russia. Wasserman told MK about the conditions under which the SVO should end.
“The points of the peace agreement were known back in 2022: if not in detail, but quite clearly,” says Wasserman. – Therefore, their publication in the Western press did not come as a big surprise to me. Even then I considered this offer too generous on our part. Since history has already proven many times that any attempt to carry out the old Polish fake “Ukraine is not Russia” sooner or later turns into terror against the Russian majority of the inhabitants of those lands where they are trying to carry out this fake. Therefore, from the very beginning I had no doubt that the stated goals of the special operation — denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine — were, in principle, incompatible with its existence as an independent subject of international politics.
“Accordingly, I considered all the concessions we made at the 2022 negotiations to be unjustified even then,” shares Anatoly Alexandrovich. “And to this day I am sure that the only way out of the situation, and not a delay for some very short period by historical standards, is the complete liquidation of the terrorist organization Ukraine and the return of all the lands it occupied to the Russian Federation.
“I believe that we have no one to enter into a settlement agreement with,” says Wasserman. — I repeat once again: from my point of view, the terrorist organization Ukraine must be liquidated, and all the lands it now occupies must return to Russia. Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, by the way, have already returned based on the will of their residents.
“It’s just that I, as a person who was born in Odessa in occupied Ukraine in 1920, studied this issue in sufficient detail,” says Wasserman. – Therefore, I am absolutely sure that the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine are incompatible with its continued existence as an independent subject of international politics.
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