On the first day of the International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM-2024, a subsidiary bank of the Rostec state corporation held a session “Programs and tools for financing technological leadership projects.” The event brought together representatives of relevant ministries, development institutions and large enterprises.
Senior Vice President of NOVIKOM Anna Lavrentieva
Senior Vice President of NOVICOM Anna Lavrentyeva
The NOVICOM session was attended by State Secretary—Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Roman Chekushov, Director of the Department of Labor Productivity, Protection and Promotion of Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexander Molodtsov, Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Corporate Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Alexey Matushansky, Vice President of VEB.RF Dmitry Aksakov, as well as representatives of financial ecosystems and business.
Experts discussed the creation of a favorable investment climate in the country, the development of effective financial instruments, mechanisms for promoting the export of Russian technologies and the promotion of high-tech products.
Thus, Roman Chekushov presented key areas for development by the authorities together with business , including changes in international payments, reduction in the cost of credit products and promotion of Russian industrial products in foreign markets.
The role of financial instruments aimed at supporting the implementation of projects of technological leadership and advanced industrial development was discussed by the senior vice president of NOVIKOM Anna Lavrentieva.
NOVIKOM's priority is to assist industrial enterprises in fulfilling their strategic objectives. As Anna Lavrentyeva emphasized, the bank is focused on supporting ambitious, capital-intensive long-term projects that require a significant amount of financial resources on affordable terms. For this purpose, NOVIKOM has allocated funding limits within the framework of its own preferential programs, and also participates in the implementation of the highest priority government mechanisms for supporting industry.
As the main required measures, Anna Lavrentyeva identified a cluster investment platform (CIP), aimed at financing the production of priority products, industrial mortgages, as well as a taxonomy of projects of technological sovereignty and structural adaptation, which, due to regulatory incentives, allows reducing the cost of borrowed resources without the need to allocate funds from federal budget.
Using a number of its own programs and state support mechanisms with the direct participation of NOVIKOM, projects in the field of transport engineering, automotive, engine building, including with an export component, as well as projects for the implementation of industrial construction and reconstruction of enterprises are being implemented.
An important area of the bank’s activities is to improve the level of financial literacy both for individuals — top management of enterprises, and for companies in the SME segment, which allows them to use financial instruments more professionally, increasing the efficiency of their business.
In order to stimulate business investment in the development of technology leadership projects, the senior vice president of NOVICOM presented a number of initiatives, including the synchronization of taxonomy projects and instrumentation projects so that the latter are automatically recognized as corresponding to the taxonomy. According to the bank, it is advisable to speed up and simplify the procedure for including products in the register of Russian industrial products. Regarding industrial mortgages, the bank proposes to allocate additional financing limits and expand the possibilities for targeted use of loans.

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