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The world in 2017: how much do you know? – quiz

Which country hosts the world’s largest refugee camp?



Uganda Uganda, which has one of the world’s most compassionate refugee policies, hosts an estimated 270,000 refugees – more than any other settlement in the world – at a camp called Bidi Bidi.


In November, who became secretary of state for development after Priti Patel resigned amid controversy over covert meetings with Israeli officials?

Andrea Leadsom

James Brokenshire

Penny Mordaunt Mordaunt, one of the government’s most pro-Brexit voices, took up the reins as development secretary in what many saw as an attempt by Theresa May to appease Eurosceptic MPs eager to see more leave supporters in the cabinet.

Karen Bradley

The government of which country turned off the internet for a week in September?

Togo The government of Togo cut off the internet on 5 September in an attempt to quell discontent among young people who were talking online about toppling the government.




An aid watchdog accused three celebrities of producing ‘poverty porn’ for Comic Relief 2017. Who were they?

Gary Lineker, Gal Gadot and Tom Hardy

Bruno Mars, Chris Hemsworth and Anne Hathaway

Beyoncé, Jeremy Irons and Ben Affleck

Ed Sheeran, Tom Hardy and Eddie Redmayne Comic Relief campaigns fronted by Sheeran, Hardy and Redmayne were nominated for the ‘most offensive’ campaigns of 2017 by the Radi-Aid awards, an annual contest organised by the Norwegian Students and Academics International Assistance Fund.

In May, the rail network of which country introduced an initiative to employ transgender workers?



India As part of an effort to integrate trans people into national society, the south Indian city of Kochi hired 23 members of the hijra community to work on the metro.


Who made headlines around the world by branding Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi ‘one of the great ethnic cleansers’?

Kendrick Lamar

Lana Del Rey


Bob Geldof In October, at the One Young World summit in Bogotá, activist and musician Bob Geldof said Aung San Suu Kyi was an insult to her fellow Nobel laureates.

In a speech in New York in September, who said: ‘The world has never been healthier, wealthier or less violent’?

Barack Obama At an event for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Obama called on the audience to reject cynicism and look with optimism to the future, telling them that despite the extraordinary challenges the world is facing, ‘there’s never been a better time to be alive’.

Bill Clinton

Warren Buffett

Jeffrey Sachs

In November, contestants in which televised national beauty pageant announced figures on gender violence rather than their vital statistics?

Miss Peru In conjunction with the pageant’s organiser, the 23 contestants involved in this year’s Miss Peru competition agreed to dedicate the event to empowering women in a country with an appalling record for gender violence.

Miss Philippines

Miss Pakistan

Miss Paraguay

In which country does Britain risk complicity in the use of starvation as a weapon of war, according to academic and author Alex de Waal?



Yemen Yemen has been crippled by fighting between a Saudi-led coalition and Houthi rebels, which has brought the country to the brink of famine and left it in the grip of the world’s worst cholera outbreak. ‘The UK and the US, and others on the security council risk becoming accessories to the worst famine crime of this decade,’ said De Waal.


Who was branded a hypocrite after backing a luxury tourism project in Saudi Arabia, despite his outspoken criticism of human rights abuses in the country?

Stelios Haji-Ioannou

Philip Green

Prince Charles

Richard Branson The Virgin Group founder has backed a project to develop 50 islands over a 34,000 sq km (13,127 sq miles) stretch of the Red Sea. But human rights campaigners are concerned that work on the project is likely to be carried out by migrant labour from Asia working under the kafala system, which has been likened to slavery.

In a landmark decision, which country repealed a law that allowed rapists to avoid jail by marrying their victims?

Jordan In August, the lower house of Jordan’s parliament voted to eliminate article 308, which allows rape charges to be dropped as long as the rapist weds the victim and stays married for at least five years. The law is rooted in a belief that marriage can diminish the stigma associated with rape.



Saudi Arabia

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