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    The Times On Ru


    < br /> MOSCOW, April 24Blogger Elena Blinovskaya agreed to pay off tax debts; for this, the investigation will lift the arrest from part...


    MOSCOW, April 24 A court in the Bryansk region sent into custody a defendant who, in an SMS correspondence, incited a special operation fighter...


    A high-profile doping scandal broke last week. As the New York Times and ARD reported, 23 top Chinese swimmers tested positive in early 2021...


    On Sunday, Real Madrid ended the championship intrigue in Spanish La Liga: in the match of the 32nd round of the national championship, the...


    MOSCOW, April 17 The sons of former Beatles members John Lennon and Paul McCartney, musicians James McCartney and Sean Lennon, together created a song,...


    TOKYO, 22 Apr, Ksenia Naka. The festival of Russian culture opened in Tokyo with a concert of young Russian stars and Japanese musicians, reports...

    Business News



    A Palestinian flag placed along a highway in the West Bank An Israeli was injured after kicking down a Palestinian flag that turned out...


    Last year there were a series of attacks on tourists in Nyanga. Photo: Werner Dieterich/Alami Google said it could not be contained. is responsible...


    Opponents have repeatedly accused Matilde Pano's party of failing to clearly condemn the October 7 attack. Photo: François Greuez/SIPA /Shutterstock The leader of the...


    Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, waves to his supporters at an election rally in Bangalore Photo: Navesh Chitrakar/REUTERS India&# 39;s main The opposition...


    Donald Trump, 60, met the 27-year-old porn actress on the golf course at a celebrity tournament in Nevada. Photo: Ringo HW Chiu Any hopes...


    Major General Aharon Haliva served in the IDF for 38 years The head of Israel's military intelligence resigned on Monday after taking over accept...

    Culture News


    MOSCOW, April 23 Russian singer Lolita Milyavskaya will become the host of the musical project “VIA Superstar!” on NTV, the channel’s press service reported.“The...


    BAKU, April 20 Actor Yuri Omelchenko died of a second stroke in a medical facility where he was hospitalized several days ago after the...


    Вслед за вчерашним объявлением о преемник Kadjar под названием Austral фотошпионы из Испании наткнулись на прототип нового компактного кроссовера Renault. Довольно досадно, что тестовый...


    Доминик Рааб Фото: Стив Парсонс Сегодня я излагаю новую правительственную стратегию для тюрем – построить больше камер для защиты общественности и реформировать режим, чтобы...

    USA News

    Жители Карсона собираются у канала Домингеса в конце октября на пресс-конференцию, посвященную запаху. Фотография: Кэролайн Коул/Los Angeles Times/Rex/Shutterstock Жители Карсона собираются у канала Домингес...

    USA News

    Первоначально владельцы ресторана заявили в социальных сетях, что офицеры будут рады вернуться, когда они будут без формы и без оружия. Фото: Sola/ Владельцы ресторана...


    Действия конгрессмена США против компании и ее пользователей привели к так называемому «эффекту Стрейзанд» Подав в суд на пользователей Twitter, Девин Нуньес более широко...

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    April 2024