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Природному оксалату никеля дано название — андрейбулахит Описан первый в мире минерал, названный в честь заведующего кафедрой минералогии СПбГУ, почетного профессора Андрея Глебовича Булаха....
Ученые разработали аналитический алгоритм Американские специалисты заявили, что у людей, которые ворочаются в постели и мечутся во сне, «почти во всех случаях» могут быть...
Японская компания выпустит эту новинку ограниченным тиражом — всего 500 экземпляров. В продажу такие спортивные седаны поступят уже следующей весной, не исключено, что право...
Вслед за пикапами Tundra и Tacoma японская компания планирует обновить младший пикап Hilux. Первые прототипы уже вышли на дороги общего пользования, и благодаря имеющимся...
Antarctica, once the only continent not to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic, has reportedly recorded its first cases. The 36 new infections are...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she supported the bill despite the fact it did not include the direct aid for state and local governments Credit:...
LIfe has remained relatively normal in Taiwan this year although mask wearing is high Credit: Ritchie B Tongo/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock Taiwan on Tuesday reported its first...
Mexico was the deadliest country in the world for the media in 2020, accounting for almost a third of journalists killed this year, according...
Equality Check — embed — fix When countries around the world went into lockdown at the start of the Covid-19 crisis, a shadow pandemic...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, lights a Hanukkah candle at the Western Wall Credit: Reuters Israel appeared headed to its fourth election in two years...
Apple is moving forward with self-driving car technology and is targeting 2024 to produce a passenger vehicle that could include its own battery technology,...
The man who murdered British backpacker Grace Millane in New Zealand raped another British tourist just months earlier, it can be revealed, after the...
Nadia hasn’t slept. The mother of five spent last night trying to soothe her seven-year-old son, Matin, who is autistic, while heavy rain fell...
The internet was set ablaze on Sunday night by a viral interview in which a former reporter for Bloomberg News described how she upended...
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