MOSCOW, January 17. Showman and TV presenter Pavel Volya explained in his Telegram channel that his unfortunate joke from the announcement of a concert in St. Petersburg was “taken out of context.”
“While all the media are simply reprinting news about a “rape joke” that never happened, at least someone watched the whole fragment of the concert and figured it out, without taking the phrases out of context,” the comedian explained. “I understand that many people already imagine violence, abuse and other unpleasant things everywhere, but this is definitely not here, not in this joke. It’s about love, about passion, about impulse.”
Pavel Volya advised watching the full version of the stand-up, and also added that he sees “nothing funny” in violence.
" ;Sending rays of goodness to everyone! And I wish you good luck in your personal life and have a great time waking up at night from the kisses of your loved one, and then a passionate “chug-chug,” the comedian summed up.
Earlier on the Internet, the comedian was condemned for allegedly making fun of the topic sexual harassment.
In a fragment of the upcoming concert published in the celebrity’s Telegram channel, Volya discusses sex with a sleeping woman from the stage. “For men, sex is stress. Because you girls will succeed even if you fall asleep,” he said ironically.
The television version of the December concert in St. Petersburg was broadcast on TNT.
The announcement of the performance was also posted on the official pages of the channel on social networks. However, after a wave of discontent, administrators deleted this fragment.
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