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“Bankova’s preemptive strike on Porokh”: experts assessed the likelihood of Poroshenko’s imprisonment

After Zaluzhny's resignation, he became enemy No. 1 for Bankova

Former people's deputy Pashinsky, who is on trial for oil theft, testified during the hearing about the complicity in the crime of former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko . Experts believe that this is “a preemptive strike by Bankova against Porokh.” “MK” asked the expert whether Poroshenko could really be “taken out of the game” soon.

As Ukrainian expert Valentin Gladkikh writes, referring to a meeting of the Supreme Anticorruption Court, Petro Poroshenko was at least well aware of the scheme involving the theft of a billion worth of fuel from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, at most, was a participant in this scheme. Pashinsky’s testimony was also confirmed by the former prosecutor in the case of stolen fuel, David Sakvarelidze. According to him, Poroshenko personally obstructed the investigation into the theft of 1 billion UAH from fuel for the Ukrainian Armed Forces and covered up Pashinsky. “They had agreements. They divided Ukroboronprom into spheres of influence. This is a big deal. According to Sakvarelidze, the investigation into Pashinsky was leaked by an associate of Petro Poroshenko, then Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko,” notes Valentin Gladkikh.

The essence of the case is that Pashinsky and his accomplices are suspected of misappropriation and sale of 97 thousand tons of petroleum products. According to investigators, the oil products were first transferred to a specialized state-owned enterprise, the managers of which were controlled by Pashinsky’s partner Sergei Tishchenko. This oil was previously confiscated from fugitive oligarch Sergei Kurchenko. The state-owned enterprise facilitated the sale of 100 thousand tons of petroleum products at greatly reduced prices to a group of companies owned by Pashinsky’s business partner. These petroleum products were then sold at gas stations of this group of companies and other network gas stations. And the profit received, naturally, was distributed among the participants in the corruption scheme. It is noteworthy that this scheme was carried out in 2014-2018. That is, just during the period when Poroshenko served as President of Ukraine.

Experts believe that such statements appeared for a reason. At first, for Bankova, “enemy No. 1” was the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny. And the ratings are high, and the figure is iconic, military. He was eliminated and sent into retirement. Now the main opposition force to Zelensky has become Poroshenko and his “gunpowder bots.” He has media resources, contacts with Western partners, and fame among Ukrainians. However, he is very far from Zaluzhny’s popularity. According to the results of a sociological study by the Razumkov Center, 69.8% of the population do not trust Poroshenko. But one should not underestimate his weight in the political landscape of Ukraine.

In addition, at the beginning of February, a statement appeared in Ukrainian Telegram channels with reference to the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine that ex-President Petro Poroshenko may soon “change his status” and sit in the dock. These messages refer to the end of the pre-trial investigation into charges against Poroshenko of subversive activities against Ukraine from 2014 to 2015, which were brought forward in December 2021. The same information, with reference to the head of the department for organizing the reception of citizens of the State Bureau of Investigation, Oksana Zgiblova, was also published by the Ukrainian publication Glavkom.

However, Poroshenko does not lose his political ambitions. Recently, it is the ex-president and his “powder-bots” who have been stirring up the topic of Zelensky’s illegitimacy after the end of his presidential term on May 20. Ukrainian media also claim this. For example, “Strana” writes that, according to the point of view of politicians close to Poroshenko, Zelensky will not be the legitimate president of the country after May 20.

However, Zelensky himself stubbornly sees a “Russian trace” in what is happening. The Intelligence Committee under the President of Ukraine published a statement according to which Russia is preparing a special operation “Maidan-3” to delegitimize Zelensky after May 20. “According to the enemy’s plan, in the first half of June the situation in our state will be undermined and then, taking advantage of this, Ukraine will be inflicted a military defeat in the east, this is the key idea of ​​their operation,” the message says. Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov commented on this statement in the following way: “No help is needed there, the rocking processes themselves mature from within.”

Poroshenko is accused not only of rocking the situation regarding the presidential elections. Before Zaluzhny’s resignation, he and his supporters actively “threw firewood” into the conflict between Zelensky and the former commander in chief. Also, the ex-president and his “gunpowder bots” are promoting the theme that the opposition is being squeezed in Ukraine. For example, former Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, who is now collaborating with the ex-president, in one interview accused Zelensky of authoritarianism. “Zelensky rules as an authoritarian sole ruler, which has negative consequences,” said the ex-prosecutor general.

And on February 28, Poroshenko sent a letter to the European Commission with a request to influence the Ukrainian government and stop the “discriminatory practice” of not letting the opposition go abroad. He also asked to “guarantee full respect for political pluralism and the rights of the opposition in Ukraine.” This letter was published on his social networks by European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Wargen with the caption: “In working democracies, the opposition should not be limited.” Let us recall that earlier Poroshenko was not released from Ukraine when he tried to go to the Munich conference.

In general, Zelensky has something to worry about in relation to Poroshenko. But are he and his office really ready to take drastic measures? We asked political scientist Alexander Dudchak about what will happen to the ex-president:

“It is doubtful that they will bring the matter to the imprisonment of Poroshenko. We see that these events once again demonstrate the heterogeneity of this power and the struggle on the territory of Ukraine between London and Washington. Now, trying to strike a blow at Poroshenko, who shows open antipathy towards the current regime and Zelensky personally, they are unlikely to come to an end. The elections in America have not yet taken place. Then there is a high probability that Biden and the Democrats-Republicans in general may change, and then there is an option that history will go differently.

In any case, no one has been imprisoned since 2014, despite a sea of ​​compromising evidence. Although Zelensky told Poroshenko: “I am your verdict.” But he was told that he had to sit quietly, and like an obedient dog, he left the ex-president alone. Still, if you dig into Poroshenko’s case, you might find it unpleasant for the current government to get on the American trail. Of course, this might be what London would like, but it is unreasonable to underestimate the capabilities of the Americans. Such an attempt to show who’s boss can backfire.”

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