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Domklik research: near which residential complexes in Moscow have the most beauty salons

Especially for the holiday of March 8, the Domklik Analytical Center presented a rating of residential buildings in the capital, within a radius of one kilometer from which the largest number of beauty industry enterprises are located. The rating is compiled for four classes of housing: economy, comfort, business and premium.

As the study showed, the number of service enterprises directly depends on the class of the residential complex. If there is a up to 450 organizations in the beauty industry, then near economy class objects - no more than 25.

As the study showed, the number of service enterprises directly depends on the class of the residential complex. If there are up to 450 beauty organizations located near premium residential complexes, then near economy class objects there are no more than 25.

As the study showed, the number of service enterprises directly depends on the class of the residential complex. If up to 450 beauty organizations are located near premium residential complexes, then near economy class objects there are no more than 25.

Economy class

The supply in the economy class segment on the Moscow primary housing market is quite limited: according to the Domklik service, it accounts for less than 2% of all listings. Facilities under construction are mainly located in areas remote from the center. Nevertheless, the infrastructure of the proposed residential complexes can be quite developed. Thus, the largest number of beauty salons is located near the residential complexes “Kvartal Domashny” and “Ogni”: they are surrounded by 20–25 beauty industry enterprises. Next to the residential complexes located in third and fourth places in the ranking — “Podolsk Quarters” and “Herzen Quarter” — the number of beauty salons is already noticeably lower: 5 and 4, respectively.

Comfort class

In this class, the number of beauty salons within walking distance reaches 190. This is not surprising, because the comfort class is the most common and popular segment: it covers about 60% of all offers in the primary market of Moscow, about 70% of all views on Domklik. The leaders among the capital's residential complexes according to this criterion were «TITUL on Serebryanicheskaya» (190 enterprises), «Badaevsky» (124) and «Kinetik» (119).

Business class

Business class residential complexes offer housing with an even more developed social and leisure infrastructure. As a rule, there are many gyms, shops, parks, recreation areas and other facilities nearby. The most beauty salons were recorded near the residential complexes “Chkalov House”, “Amarant” and SOLE HILL: 206, 191 and 186, respectively.

Premium class

The most developed infrastructure is demonstrated by premium-class residential complexes: here, one building of a residential complex sometimes has several beauty salons at once. Near the objects of this segment there are almost twice as many beauty enterprises as near business and comfort class housing. In the luxury housing segment, the leaders were the Chistye Prudy club house (450 beauty salons), Dolgorukovskaya 25 (358), Vesper Tverskaya (355).

Methodology: how and what analysts researched

Last year, Domklik launched a new section: now on the page of each residential complex under construction you can find information about nearby infrastructure facilities. Based on Domklik data as of the end of February, experts analyzed the infrastructure of each residential complex in Moscow where primary apartments are offered for sale, and determined the number of beauty industry enterprises within a radius of one kilometer from the residential complex. The calculation took into account beauty salons of regular and extended types (including as part of another enterprise), spa centers and medical and cosmetology centers.

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