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  5. Labor refuses to rule out further tax rises


Labor refuses to rule out further tax rises

Sir Keir Starmer said the budget was «the last desperate act of a party that has failed»; Photo: Jessica Taylor/UK Parliament/Getty Images

Labour refused to rule out further tax rises as Sir Keir Starmer called Jeremy Hunt and Rishi Sunak 'brothers of decline'

Labour spokeswoman insisted that they still intend to deliver on all their spending promises if they win the election, despite the Tories snapping up their flagship revenue-raising policy.

The Chancellor's decision to scrap non-resident status and extend the windfall tax creates a major headache for Sir Keir, who has already announced he will use the money raised from the measures to fund primary school breakfast clubs, a range of NHS improvements and a green prosperity plan Asked whether Sir Keir would now have to introduce new tax rises to fund these obligations, a Labor spokesman refused to rule out the possibility, saying: “As any responsible opposition would do, we will go through our books , and we will outline our plans.»

It comes as the Labor leader launches a blistering attack on the Chancellor and Prime Minister as part of his response to the spring Budget.

When asked about the Budget, Sir Keir said it was «the last desperate act of a party that has failed» and said the tax burden was at its highest level in 70 years.

He told the House of Commons: “A Chancellor who bursts into this House during a recession and tells the working people of this country that everything is going to plan. A crisis? What crisis? Or, as the captain of the Titanic and the former Prime Minister herself might say: “Iceberg?” What iceberg?”

“Smiling as the ship sinks, the Chuckle brothers fall into disrepair, dreaming of Santa Monica or maybe just a quiet life in Surrey without having to finance their own election.”

Sir Keir ended his speech by challenging Sunak to call a general election in May, accusing him of leaving Britain “a nation in limbo.”

He told the House of Commons: “Britain the government deserves.» ready to make difficult decisions, provide immediate cash injections to our public services, stick to fiscal rules without complaint, fight for working people's living standards and develop a sustainable plan for growth.

“So we say: Chancellor and Prime Minister, it is time to say goodbye to A 14-year habit. Stop the hesitation, stop the delay, stop the uncertainty and confirm May 2 as the date for the next general election because Britain deserves better and Labor is ready.»

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