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  5. In the Amur region they will begin to drill a ..


In the Amur region they will begin to drill a second well into a blocked mine

BLAGOVESCHENSK, March 20 Two exploration wells will be drilled into the blocked shaft at the Pioneer mine: the first will lead to the expected location of the miners, the second will connect rescuers with the horizon of the mine, it will help to more accurately assess the situation inside, reports the government of the Amur region.
The decision was announced at a meeting of the Commission for Emergency Situations, chaired by Governor Vasily Orlov. Currently, clearing of rubble at the mine continues, while specialists are drilling the first exploration well.

«»The work started on Wednesday at about 15:00 (09.00 Moscow time), the drilling speed is 100 meters per day. They plan to reach the target in 2.5-3 days. It was decided to drill the second well into another underground horizon located closer. Wells are necessary in order to more accurately assess the situation inside the blocked mine,” the message says.
Afterwards, special cameras will be lowered into the wells; they were delivered along with the rest of the equipment today from Novokuznetsk. The second drilling rig moved to the site from Blagoveshchensk, accompanied by the traffic police, and will arrive at the mine at about two o'clock in the morning.

The rock collapse at the Pioneer mine in the Zeya district occurred on March 18 at 20.40 local time (14.40 Moscow time), from this moment there are 13 people under the rubble — employees of a contracting organization that specializes in mining and capital works.
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