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  5. Antares Film Festival opened in Sochi


Antares Film Festival opened in Sochi

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SOCHI, June 25The Antares International Film Festival opened for the first time in Sochi; it brought together foreign and Russian participants who will present to the viewer their films, mainly dedicated to human labor and its implementation in professional activities, the correspondent reports.
“Antares” started on the stage of the Winter Theater, where the popular “Kinotavr” festival took place for 30 years. However, as Alexander Khalimovsky, president of the Quality Safety Association of the Antares Film Festival, explained to journalists, this event is distinguished by a new nomination — “Man of Labor” and an international format — among the participants are competitors from Russia, Australia, Argentina, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Iran, China.

«A huge number of foreign directors decided to visit our festival, so we gave it international status. In addition to out-of-competition films, we will have premieres, which no one has ever seen in the Russian Federation. We are interested in bringing information and popularization of professions to people through films,” Khalimovsky told reporters at the opening of the festival.

The films presented by the contestants will be shown in Sochi cinemas for free, tickets for premieres and performances at the Winter Theatre must be purchased independently. The festival president also stressed that if this cultural event is successful, the organizers plan to hold it at the resort every year.
The Antares International Film Festival is a new Russian project. The festival's competition program includes feature, documentary and animated films. The main prize of the film festival is the Antares statuette by the famous sculptor Grigory Potocki. The cultural event is held under the auspices of the Safety and Quality Association.

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