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Disgraced cardinal sacked by the Pope denies nepotism and embezzlement accusations

Cardinal Becciu was effectively fired by Pope Francis

Credit: AFP

A powerful cardinal who was effectively sacked by Pope Francis reportedly funneled hundreds of thousands of pounds to companies and charities run by his three brothers, in the latest scandal to hit the Holy See.

Giovanni Angelo Becciu resigned suddenly and against his will on Thursday night, with the Pope taking the unusual step of stripping him of all his rights as a cardinal. That means that he will not be eligible to take part in the next conclave to elect a Pope, an indication of the seriousness of the accusations against him.

One of the Vatican’s most powerful figures, the cardinal had been a “nuncio” or ambassador in countries around the world and was, most recently, in charge of the department that determines who will be next made a saint.

It was widely thought that his dismissal was linked to his role in the Vatican’s purchase of a multi-million pound property in Sloane Avenue in London, in which the building was bought for far more than its market value, resulting in substantial losses for the Holy See.

But according to an investigation by an Italian news magazine, the real reason for the cardinal’s abrupt downfall was the fact that Vatican investigators discovered he had funneled large amounts of money to entities run by his brothers.

The payments represented nepotism and an acute conflict of interest, according to L’Espresso, the weekly magazine.

Prior to being made the head of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints two years ago, the cardinal served as deputy secretary of state, a key position in the governance of the Vatican. Between 2013 and 2018, the cardinal allegedly directed €700,000 in Vatican funds to a charity in his native Sardinia that was run by one of his brothers, Tonino.

Pope Francis told the cardinal he no longer had faith in him

Credit: Reuters

Cardinal Becciu also allegedly gave contracts for the building or restoration of churches in Angola and Cuba to a building company owned by another brother.  He also allegedly gave help to a food and beverage company run by a third brother, L’Espresso claimed.

Cardinal Becciu had constructed a network of “lawyers, middlemen and offshore accounts” that had benefited his family, the weekly claimed, basing its claims on confidential financial documents.

Following his unexpected resignation, the 72-year-old cardinal gave an extraordinary press conference in Rome on Friday in which he denied the charges. The circumstances of his dismissal were “surreal”, he said, denying that he had committed any wrongdoing. 

He admitted that he had had a “troubled” meeting with the Pope in which Francis said he “no longer had confidence in me”.

This is just the latest scandal to engulf the Holy See

Credit: Reuters

"I was white in the face. Certainly it was not a good moment. It was like a bolt out of the blue," he said. The Pope had told him that documents discovered by Italian police suggested the cardinal had embezzled money from the Vatican.

The cardinal admitted sending €400,000 to support the work of a charity in Sardinia, the legal representative of which is his brother, Tonino. "I don’t think I’ve committed any crime," the cardinal said, a giant silver crucifix looming above him.

He also admitted to using the services of another brother to carry out restoration work when he was ambassador in Cuba and Angola, insisting that it was hard to find reliable companies or materials there.

He denied trying to enrich his family, calling the whole business “a misunderstanding.” Referring to Vatican prosecutors who are investigating the case, he said: "If they want me to clarify, I’ll clarify.”  He pledged his loyalty to Pope Francis and said he would still lay down his life for him.

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