The car park in Russia, numbering more than 45 million cars, is inevitably aging and needs to be updated. Therefore, many drivers have to think about changing cars without waiting for new available models and price reductions.
Auto found out that despite the price increase and a limited selection of new models, they plan to buy a car before the end of 2023 almost every second Russian – 43% of respondents.
Moreover, the vast majority of them (48%) plan to purchase a used car. Slightly more than 25% want to become the owner of a new car. 26% of respondents plan to buy a new car, but if there is not enough money, they are ready to take it with mileage.
47% of respondents are going to upgrade the car due to the poor condition of the old one. Approximately every third survey participant (29%) is determined to buy a car right now, fearing a price increase.
Those who decided to buy a car this year at a bargain price or for the first time, approximately 11% each. And less than 7% of respondents who consider buying a car as an investment turned out to be less than 7%.
Most of all, motorists are afraid that when buying they will come across a car with malfunctions – This was the answer of 52% of the respondents. Over 39% are afraid of a shortage of spare parts and their rise in price. Also, the top concerns include the answer is too expensive service, unreliability of the seller, problems with documents, warranty or car registration.
Among the survey participants who do not plan to buy a car this year, over 57% of respondents refer to too high prices, and 42% are satisfied with the condition of their current car. In addition, 12% of respondents do not have enough money for a new car, and they do not want to buy a used one.
Of those motorists who plan to buy a car this year, 32% do it every 3-5 years, 31% change their car every 6-10 years, and just under 13% – with a frequency of 10-15 years. A little less than 10% buy another car every 1-3 years.
The study was conducted on the Auto project portal. 6,000 people took part in the survey.
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