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Suella Braverman 'victim of smear campaign' as migration battle splits cabinet

Suella Braverman pictured with Rishi Sunak at a recent event. The Prime Minister declares that he has full confidence in the Minister of the Interior. Credit: Phil Noble/AFP via Getty Images

Suella Braverman's allies fear she is the victim of a smear campaign amid an increasingly bitter fight over her attempts to crack down on the network. migration.

The Home Secretary is accused of asking government officials to help set up a private driving course as she sought to avoid getting points on her license after she was caught speeding.She is expected to have questions in the House of Commons on Monday about this.

It is understood that the Prime Minister will consult with Sir Laurie Magnus, his ethics adviser, as Labor argues that Mr. Ms. Braverman may have violated the ministerial code. .

On Sunday, Rishi Sunak refused to endorse the home secretary when asked for his opinion at a press conference in Hiroshima, Japan, during the G7 leaders' summit, though Downing Street later insisted he had full confidence in her.< /p> < img src="/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cefc688ae6f05fa01a5e041c8a98fd48.jpg" />

Controversy erupts as Ms. curb net migration.

The figures, which will be released on Thursday, are expected to show that it hit an all-time high last year. The total number is projected to be between 700,000 and one million.

She publicly pressured Mr Sunak, saying the government needed to «reduce the total number of immigrants» and educate British workers, as it did Great Britain. don't «forget how to do things for yourself».

This is the second time questions about Ms Breiverman's behavior have been raised during the immigration scandal.

Last October, when she objected to plans to let more migrants into the country, Ms. Braverman was forced to resign from Liz Truss's office after it was revealed she had sent an official document to a colleague from her personal email mail.

Miriam Cates, a Conservative MP and ally of Ms Braverman, said she was «extremely concerned» that the home secretary was being personally attacked and «a concerted effort to discredit her,» as was the case last October.< /p >

«It's no coincidence that in the same week she was very vocal about the need to set proper restrictions on legal migration, which is clearly a contentious issue in the government,» said Ms. Cates.

“She had a great profile and fame. There are many people who disagree with her view that we should restrict legal immigration. If you put two and two together, it's quite possible that this is a political motivation. It's amazing that someone can leak this personal information.”

Craig McKinley, another Conservative MP, said: “It was only reasonable for the Home Secretary to do what she asked. I don't see anything wrong with that. I would call it pretty common sense and then decide to take the points into account.»

There were rumors in Whitehall that Mrs. Braverman might resign if she felt that immigration was being hesitant. However, statements about her behavior would lessen the impact of such a move.

1205 UK Total Net Migration

New allegations surface in The Guardian that Ms Braverman tried to avoid a final House of Commons vote on the government's Small Boat Bill , despite the instruction to the deputies to attend it. The Home Office dismissed these claims as «nonsense».

Ms Braverman received a warning from the police last year after she was caught outside London when she was Attorney General, the government's highest ranking entity.

She was offered the choice of paying a fine and receiving three points by attending a speeding awareness course instead of points and a fine, or challenging a speeding notice.

It was at this point that she asked government officials if a private course could be organized.

Officials turned down that request, so Ms Braverman allegedly turned to a political aide to help her try to find an alternative to having to take courses with other motorists.

In the end, she got three points in her driving license and paid the fine.

She is said to have notified the cabinet after she was handed a speeding ticket.

Swella Braverman Investigation — Interrogation

Labour demanded that Mr Sunak «show determination» and ordered Sir Laurie to investigate the claims.

The Ministerial Code makes it clear that ministers are personally responsible for ensuring that “no conflict arises or appears to arise between their private interests and public duties.”

David Penman, general secretary of the First Division Association, a union representing high-ranking government employees, said it was inappropriate for Ms. Braverman to approach officials on personal conflict-of-interest matters as a minister in charge of law enforcement.

He said his understanding was that civil servants were concerned enough to seek advice from the Cabinet, which «would suggest that this raises serious concerns.»

However, sources close to The Ministry Secretary said she was «trying to figure out» what she could do, rather than giving any «instructions» to civil servants.

The Prime Minister opened the door to an investigation into the meanness of Mrs Braverman on Sunday evening as it was confirmed that he would speak to Sir Laurie.

Source #10 said: «The Prime Minister has always followed due process in these matters and will consult with his ethics adviser upon his return to London.»

Profile | Swella Braverman

A leading automotive lawyer told The Telegraph that celebrities and other famous people often take speed awareness courses privately.

Nick Freeman, nicknamed «Mr Loophole» after he successfully cleared a number of famous people of driving charges, said private courses were used for famous people to keep other participants from being distracted.

He told The Telegraph : “She didn't break the law or do anything wrong. I've set up a few private courses for VIPs, and sometimes the course provider would ask us if we could do it.

«It's less disruptive if you have a certain kind of profile of a person on the course, he will be the focus, not what the course is about.

«It's important to remember that these courses are created by Zoom, you're referenced by your name, so it's unlikely she'll be recognized anyway.

“Her mistake was that she did not use the services of a lawyer, but turned to civil servants. It was her mistake. As a lawyer, she should know much better.

«If she had a lawyer who knew what they were doing, no one would even know about this story.»

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