In 2023, “Family Mortgage” was more often issued by families with two children — the share of such clients was 41% versus 18% last year, and the number more than tripled, said the vice president Bank DOM.RF Kirill Varentsov.
Parents with one child bought housing in 53% of cases (versus 75% in 2022, the number is comparable to last year). Another 6% of transactions were concluded with clients with many children (6% share, an increase in number of more than one and a half times).
The most active age group was clients from 36 to 50 years old — they accounted for 53% of loans under the program (39% in 2022). In 47% of cases — borrowers aged 21–36 years (61%). This is due to the modernization of the program at the beginning of 2023 — its conditions were extended to families with two children under 18 years of age. Before the change, only families with a child born after January 1, 2018 could take advantage of the preferential loan.
“Semeyka is one of the drivers of mortgage portfolio growth—it accounts for about 40% of completed transactions. Since 2018, when the program was launched, loans under the program have been issued in the amount of RUB 195.7 billion. More than 43 thousand families took advantage of it. Since the beginning of 2023, 15.7 thousand loans worth 87 billion rubles have been issued, an increase of one and a half times compared to the previous year,” noted Kirill Varentsov.
The ratio of apartments to individual housing construction was almost 4:1. Every third family bought two-room housing under the program. In 37%, one-room housing was purchased under the program. Multi-room apartments accounted for 30%. The average loan size was 5.5 million rubles, an increase of 300 thousand rubles compared to last year.
Moscow is the leader in the volume of Family Mortgage issuances (18.3 billion rubles ., growth compared to 2022 by 10%), Krasnodar Territory (8 billion rubles, 3 times), Moscow Region (8 billion rubles, 1.3 times), St. Petersburg (6.1 billion rubles ., 1.2 times) and the Tyumen region (5 billion rubles, 2 times). The leading regions in the program also include Novosibirsk (3 billion rubles, 1.6 times) and Rostov regions (3 billion rubles, 2.2 times), the Republic of Tatarstan (2.8 billion rubles, 1.6 times times), Sverdlovsk region (2.7 billion rubles, 1.1 times) and Krasnoyarsk Territory (2.5 billion rubles, 1.5 times).

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