Exhaust gases have accumulated in the apartment
The so-called exhaust gases were apparently the cause of the fatal poisoning of a family in the south-east of Moscow on Friday morning. Let us remind you that as a result of poisoning in an apartment in one of the houses on 1st Kuryanovskaya Street, a 64-year-old woman and her 13-year-old grandson died, and a 35-year-old daughter was hospitalized.
As a law enforcement source told MK, the check showed that all communications in the house were OK. Also, no defects were detected in the operation of the gas stove and boiler. However, residents did not take into account that when the boiler and gas stove operate for a long time, waste gases accumulate in the apartment. This is not dangerous if the windows in the apartment are opened periodically. However, in winter, the windows in the apartment are often tightly closed. Again, old window designs still meant access to fresh air. Plastic windows are sealed, and if they are not at least set to ventilation mode, fresh air does not enter, gas accumulates and reaches a concentration critical for human life.
Apparently, this is exactly the situation that occurred in the apartment. The gas accumulated throughout the night, and when the owner’s daughter sounded the alarm, it was already too late: the pensioner and the teenager lost consciousness. It was not possible to save them.
The deceased woman is from the Donetsk region. At one time she worked as a caretaker in an exhibition hall, and also worked at the water utility.

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