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    Putin announced a discreet mobilization: everyone must understand what times we live in

    The main news of the past week

    Thirteen is the normal male personal income tax size, where have you ever seen 22? This is how citizens greeted the tax changes this week with jokes and jokes. And Putin also appointed the chief in Ukraine, announced mobilization (yes, yes, don’t believe me in vain), Medvedev traditionally promised to destroy Europe, and in the United States the court found Trump guilty, all that remains is to pass a verdict.

    Just imagine: dad, mom and children are walking, let’s say, in the park. Sun, poplar fluff, heat, June. The children beg for ice cream non-stop, but to no avail. And finally, mom and dad decide to buy ice cream. And they begin to tell the children how delicious this ice cream is, and how healthy it is, and how good it will be for the children. Otherwise they had no idea… It was just as surprising to see how much effort was put into explaining the positive aspects of the progressive tax scale.

    Who did they want to convince that a little justice wouldn’t hurt? Those 97% of working people who will not be affected by the new scale? Or the 3% who will have to pay more? Revenues to the consolidated budget from personal income tax in 2022 amounted to 1.013 trillion rubles. And “from expanding the progression of personal income tax” an additional 533 billion rubles will be collected. That is, only 3% of workers (how many of them are actually engaged in work is a question) will be forced to share, and budget income will increase by one and a half times. It is obvious that the tax system that has developed over decades did not work in the interests of the overwhelming majority of working citizens, but in the interests of the economically dominant class. It is sad and significant that only new extreme conditions of existence could force the authorities to change it.

    And so it is in all spheres of life – in industry, in science, in education. In order to see the light and understand that there are no “friends” around at all, that the country needs a reboot, otherwise they will tear us apart and devour us, it took such a blow that was impossible to imagine. Dmitry Medvedev at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences formulated it as follows: “We are surrounded here from all sides, they are trying to create uncomfortable conditions, including for scientific activity. But we will achieve results that we could not even imagine some time ago, such restrictions contribute to creativity, strange as it may be.”

    Those who “surrounded us” finally gave the Kyiv regime a free hand this week – they allowed them to fire heavy weapons deep into Russia. Dmitry Anatolyevich reminded them of something: “No matter how much retired NATO farts chatter, Russia will never use non-strategic nuclear weapons against b. In Ukraine, and even more so in individual NATO countries, life is much worse than their frivolous reasoning. A few years ago, they insisted that Russia would not enter into an open military conflict with the Bandera regime, so as not to quarrel with the West. We miscalculated. There is a war going on.”

    But since “there is a war going on,” then where, exactly, is mobilization? But this is a fairly broad concept. This week Putin announced it somehow casually and imperceptibly. Speaking at the Council on National Projects, he said: “I don’t want to force anything, but I ask you to pay attention to this – we all understand, in any case, everyone should understand what time we live in and what historical stage Russia is going through. And if we understand this, then everyone, everyone should work as if on the front line. Everyone must feel mobilized, and this is the only way we will achieve the goals that we set for ourselves. In modern conditions it is impossible to work differently.”

    This is mobilization in a broad state, and not a narrow military sense, when it is necessary to recruit personnel. You could say mobilization from the top. Note: “I don’t want to escalate,” but at the same time “they must feel mobilized,” “they must understand” that “there is no other way to work.” Putin is putting state administration on a war footing, apparently confident that this will be enough to avoid putting the whole life in the country on a war footing. And, I must say, for now he does it quite gently, saying “we understand everything, in any case, everyone should understand what times we live in.” That is, those “who did not understand” still have a chance to understand. But if they don’t want to… Of course, it’s too early to stock up on popcorn, but the country is really changing – maybe we’ll see something unexpected, or even long-awaited. We have waited for a progressive tax scale.

    Putin also appointed the head of Ukraine. Since Zelensky’s legitimacy has ended, Vladimir Vladimirovich said that now the head there will be the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk. Out of fright, he rushed to swear allegiance to Ukrainian citizen Zelensky. Which is not surprising: although they are friends, Bolivar cannot stand two. In Kyiv now the conversation with political competitors is short. But for us, the more bickering there is, the better.

    And in the United States this week, a court handed down a guilty verdict to ex-president and presidential candidate Trump in the case of paying a former porn actress for silence about sexual relations with her , and the announcement of the verdict is scheduled for July 11. Here, as the Russian liberal public once said, it turns out that a truly strong democratic leader wins fair elections, and does not put his promising competitor in prison on a far-fetched and politically motivated charge? Right? However, US laws allow Trump to participate in elections from prison, and if he wins, to free himself.

    But just think: the presidential elections of the still most powerful country involve, on the one hand, a frail old man with progressive dementia, and on the other hand, a criminal from a prison cell. And the fate of the world still depends on the winner. Is this normal?..

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