Facebook-owned Instagram is to crackdown on social media influencers and celebrities who make posts without telling followers when they have been paid to do...
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ZenМОСКВА, 16 декабря. Китайские ученые идентифицировали останки динозавра, обнаруженные в 2007 году в провинции Юньнань на юго-западе Китая, и классифицировали их как новый вид...
В России над этим работает команда нейробиологов, неврологов, биохимиков, физиков и инженеров Российские исследователи разрабатывают что-то вроде машины времени для клеток мозга. Зачем? Чтобы...
Анализ выявил доказательства кровавой бойни: кости рук и ног были изгрызены человеческими коренными зубами Коллекция человеческих костей, обнаруженная 50 лет назад в яме в...
ДзенМОСКВА, 16 декабря Почти 80 процентов старшеклассников страдают от недостатка физической активности. К такому выводу пришли ученые Саратовского государственного медицинского университета в ходе одномоментного...
Facebook-owned Instagram is to crackdown on social media influencers and celebrities who make posts without telling followers when they have been paid to do...
Twitter has staged a partial u-turn on its policy of blocking a New York Post story about Joe Biden after a wave of criticism...
Twitter is changing its Hacked Materials Policy, walking back a set of rules at the heart of its enforcement action this week against a controversial...
Shoulders shaking and wiping tears from his eyes, the Apple MacBook engineer with a thick moustache screeches with laughter. He straightens up and slaps...
YouTube will ban videos related to the fringe conspiracy-focused online community QAnon if they incite real-world violence YouTube is cracking down on "harmful" conspiracy...
YouTube said Thursday it will begin banning some content related to QAnon, a massive and baseless online conspiracy theory movement that has been tied...
In recent weeks the British people have come to know and fear the phrase "circuit breaker". For most of us, it means a short-term...
Bill Gates was at the centre of the first major technology antitrust court case in the early 90s, which was focused on its web...
Beginning Thursday, US Facebook users who post about voting may start seeing an addendum to their messages – labels directing readers to authoritative information...
Facebook decided on Friday to allow a type of paid political message that had sidestepped many of the social network’s rules governing political ads,...
Facebook and Twitter took steps on Wednesday to limit the spread of a controversial New York Post article critical of Joe Biden, sparking outrage...
Facebook has long had the same public response when questioned about its disruption of the news industry: it is a tech platform, not a...
US Election Article Bar Facebook and Twitter have been plunged into a new political storm in Washington DC after they blocked the sharing of...
Twitter has flagged a video tweeted by Donald Trump, which contained a fake CNN news segment about a “racist baby”, adding a warning label...
Apple unveiled its new range of iPhones on Tuesday and analysts suggested its biggest success of the season could be its smallest new product:...
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