YouTube has banned misinformation about Covid vaccinations, just days after Facebook took similar action on its own platform. The company says that the fact...
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ZenМОСКВА, 16 декабря. Китайские ученые идентифицировали останки динозавра, обнаруженные в 2007 году в провинции Юньнань на юго-западе Китая, и классифицировали их как новый вид...
В России над этим работает команда нейробиологов, неврологов, биохимиков, физиков и инженеров Российские исследователи разрабатывают что-то вроде машины времени для клеток мозга. Зачем? Чтобы...
Анализ выявил доказательства кровавой бойни: кости рук и ног были изгрызены человеческими коренными зубами Коллекция человеческих костей, обнаруженная 50 лет назад в яме в...
ДзенМОСКВА, 16 декабря Почти 80 процентов старшеклассников страдают от недостатка физической активности. К такому выводу пришли ученые Саратовского государственного медицинского университета в ходе одномоментного...
YouTube has banned misinformation about Covid vaccinations, just days after Facebook took similar action on its own platform. The company says that the fact...
Trade unions called on the UK government this week to use the influence it has over Amazon, through hundreds of millions in state contracts,...
Despite being one of the most valuable companies on the planet, Apple remains an underdog in the smart home business. Its rival Google commands a...
Amazon’s key UK business paid just 3% more tax last year when profits rose by more than a third as the online retailer benefited...
Amazon will not have to pay the UK’s new digital services tax on products it sells directly to consumers but small traders who sell products...
Should you pick Samsung or Apple's 2020 device? Now we know what the latest iPhone looks like, we can ask how it compares with...
Apple revealed the iPhone 12 on Tuesday evening Credit: Apple iPhone 12 features 5G connectivity The biggest new addition to the iPhone is adding...
Austrian privacy activist Max Schrems claimed the Irish regulators misled him on some facts of the landmark Facebook data case Graham Doyle, the Irish...
Max Schrems says it will take concern over economic downturn for US officials to improve how they protect European citizens' data in the US...
In July 2015, Amazon declared its own annual holiday: Amazon Prime Day. The retail giant promised deals on a wide range of products for...
The majority of journalists covering the pandemic say Facebook is the biggest spreader of disinformation, outstripping elected officials who are also a top source,...
Apple has notched up another milestone by overtaking the combined market value of the entire FTSE 100 index of the UK’s biggest publicly listed...
Facebook may be the home of international conspiracy theories, Amazon the bane of high streets everywhere and Google slowly tightening its grip on the...
Facebook will ban ads that discourage people from getting vaccinated, the social media company announced Tuesday, as it launches a new public health campaign...
Apple is preparing a new bundle of all its subscription products called Apple One, according to a leak in the source code of one...
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