From the Shetlands to Cornwall, new bases will put a rocket under the £15bn-a-year satellite sector Credit: Anaïs De Busscher The remote Fethaland peninsula...
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Канадский астрофизик обозначил 5 ключей к разгадке посмертного существования Для миллионов людей смерть воспринимается как последний, неизбежный момент, когда наше сознание перестает функционировать. Но...
ГРОЗНЫЙ, 10 мар. Блокировка мессенджера Telegram на территории Чечни является абсолютно необоснованной и нерациональной, заявил министр республики по национальной политике, внешним связям, печати и...
МОСКВА, 7 мар. Комический зонд Athena американской компании Intuitive Machines прибыл на поверхность Луны, однако мог прилуниться в неправильном положении, заявил гендиректор компании Стив...
Из-за повышения уровня мирового океана Александрия погружается в море Александрия погружается в море из-за изменения климата, предупреждает исследование. С момента своего основания Александром Македонским...
From the Shetlands to Cornwall, new bases will put a rocket under the £15bn-a-year satellite sector Credit: Anaïs De Busscher The remote Fethaland peninsula...
Japanese commuters may benefit from Barcelona FC sponsor Rakuten’s tech Credit: DuKai photographer/Moment RF/Getty Hiroshi Mikitani wanted to rattle his rivals. After overseeing an...
Far right “playbooks” teaching white nationalists how to recruit and radicalise Trump supporters have surfaced on the encrypted messaging app Telegram ahead of Joe...
Wikipedia editors have voted to ban the Daily Mail as a source for the website in all but exceptional circumstances after deeming the news...
ActiveCell Technologies co-founder Steve Hammond Credit: Asadour Guzelian An ingenious app that uses the iPhone’s camera to produce bespoke masks for healthcare workers is set...
Deliveroo chief executive Will Shu Credit: Deliveroo Deliveroo has received a £130m cash injection which values the takeaway app at more than £5bn as...
Google employees staged a walkout in San Francisco in 2018 over sexual misconduct allegations against executives. Credit: Eric Risberg/ AP Among Silicon Valley executives, Wesley...
Play Video 0:17 Police investigate ‘reckless’ TikTok photoshoot on level crossing – video Police are investigating after a video showing a car parked over...
Foster the dolphin looks at a touchscreen communication device Cat owners should not hold their breath for a fully blown conversation with their pets....
Samsung is attempting to fully replace high-end cameras and out-zoom its smartphone competition with the new Galaxy S21 Ultra, the firm’s first to feature...
If you use the popular messaging service WhatsApp you may have noticed a pop-up message in recent days asking you to accept the service’s...
Sign up for the Guardian Today US newsletter A far-right website that was among the platforms used to organize the deadly violence at the...
Henry David Thoreau once wrote: “This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” More than 150 years later, a new generation of artists...
Twenty years ago today, a tech startup called Nupedia launched a side project. The company had been hard at work producing a free online...
Twitter chief Jack Dorsey said the company's move against violent accounts would go "beyond the inauguration" Credit: Hannah McKay/Shutterstock Twitter’s clampdown on extremist accounts will...
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