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Sercons expert explains which children's products are rejected in the laboratory

In Russia, the share of certificates issued for products for children and adolescents is constantly increasing. This indicates an increase in the safety and quality of such products. However, Anna Maryasova, leading chemical engineer at the Sercons laboratory, noted that parents should remember the requirements that relate to compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and are imposed on manufacturers of this category of things.

The certification process for children's goods in Russia is carried out in accordance with the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TR CU 007/2011 and TR CU 008/2011. These regulations apply to products intended for children aged 0 to 18 years, and establish more stringent safety requirements than for other products.

This regulation applies to various categories of children's products, including care products, clothes and shoes for children, school supplies, bicycles and strollers, toys and bedding. In addition, products for children are subject to other regulations of the CU TR, which should also be taken into account, since failure to comply with the requirements of these documents can lead to serious penalties. We are talking about TR CU No. 025/2012 “On the safety of furniture products” and TR CU No. 009/2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products.”

Certification of children's products involves several basic procedures, including sampling of goods, product identification, testing, analysis of test results, and analysis of production status. The final stage is the issuance of a certificate of conformity.

Anna Maryasova also drew attention to the fact that some children's products are not tested in laboratories and do not meet established standards. Thus, some toys (for example, a number of paints or plasticine, especially air-dough) can release harmful chemicals, which is contrary to safety standards. It is also common for toys with sound effects to produce a sound that is too loud and exceeds the permissible level.

In the process of checking toys, various factors are taken into account, from general appearance to physical, sanitary-chemical and toxicological-hygienic indicators, as well as microbiological and physical-mechanical characteristics. In addition, toys are subjected to experiments taking into account the influence of various factors on them, such as shock, pressure, stretching, torsion and falling.

The results of such tests allow the ordinary consumer to make the right choice in favor of a safe goods for your child. Sercons added that it is necessary to pay attention to the labeling of products and the appearance of toys that have defects, such as chips, unpleasant odors, cracks or peeling paint.

Neglect of the requirements of technical regulations with on the part of sellers may entail the imposition of fines and suspension of their activities, which, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, may be considered a violation of Articles 14.7, 14.15, 14.43, 14.45 and 14.46.

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