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“The Russian leader has acquired followers”: the United States trembled after Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson

The West drew attention to those responsible in the conflict in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin’s interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson became an information bomb in the Western press. The Russian president's statements on a wide range of current political issues were scattered into quotes. And foreign analysts began to draw disappointing results from the interviews.

No matter how much American President Joe Biden would like it, his “address to the nation”, which came out exactly after half an hour after Vladimir Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson appeared online, it could not interrupt the effect of perhaps one of the most anticipated events of the year that has just begun.

CNN analyzes what they saw in their material entitled “Putin walks away with a propaganda victory after interview with Tucker Carlson.” The author emphasizes that Carlson gave the Russian president complete freedom in conversation. True, the analyst didn’t like it so much that he accused the former Fox News host of being “confused” and “bewildered.”

“After watching the first 45 minutes of this video, you see that this is President Putin’s platform.” , noted CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward.

The TV channel was also offended by the fact that Carlson “supported Putin’s theory of a deep state conspiracy in the United States.” That is, the US government is controlled not by elected leaders, but by unelected forces in the Central Intelligence Agency, which control the president like a puppet.

CNN admitted that Carlson put “pressure on Putin” with a question about the journalist detained in Russia. Wall Street Journal by Evan Gershkovitch. However, there is also an insult here — The Wall Street Journal considered that “it was shameful of Carlson to suggest that Evan had broken the law.”

The New York Times also responded to the interview. Peter Baker began his material with the idea that the United States wanted to expel Vladimir Putin from the “club of world leaders” and cut off the Russian economy. However, the author admits, Vladimir Putin does not look so isolated these days.

“Putin’s appearance in Carlson’s interview provides an opportunity to reflect on the dizzying transformation of American politics in recent years,” Baker muses broadly. Thus, according to an American analyst, the Republican Party is increasingly showing a certain sympathy for Moscow: “Putin has turned himself into a kind of like-minded ally of some right-wing forces in the United States.”

“Calling himself a defender of traditional civilization from moral decay in the West, Putin has acquired something of a following in the United States,” the newspaper writes, backing up its argument with statistics.

According to a YouGov poll, more than one in four Americans (26%) have a positive view of the Russian leader, compared with 15% at the beginning of 2021.

The New York Times also did not shy away from taking Tucker himself for a verbal steamroller Carlson, equating him almost to the very notorious “hand of the Kremlin”: “He claims that Moscow was misunderstood, or at least not heard.” But where was Carlson wrong? However, let's not argue with the strange logic of the American press.

Baker also admitted in his piece that the interview “wasn’t exciting,” citing “a half-hour lecture on the history of Russia and Ukraine.” Surely it was simply difficult for the reporter to process the compactly collected facts. Well, not a comic book, of course…

The Washington Post even saw that the interview “could increase Donald Trump’s chances of re-election and convince Republicans to continue blocking American military aid to Ukraine.”

But the Associated Press claims: “Vladimir Putin used an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson to urge Washington to recognize Moscow’s interests and persuade Ukraine to come to the negotiating table.”

By the way, on the main page of the Fox News channel website , where Tucker Carlson previously worked, there is no mention of the interview.

But the Spanish press drew attention to Putin’s statement that Russia is not interested in spreading conflicts to other countries in the region (for example, Poland or the Baltic countries ). “The interview has a leaden tone,” writes El Mundo.

El Pais claims that “the timing of this information bomb does not appear to be the result of an accident. Carlson's visit to Moscow took place at a time when the fighting in Ukraine has reached a stalemate and against the backdrop of growing disagreement in the United States over assistance to Ukraine.»

La Vanguardia admits that for the publication «the interview turned out to be disappointing» . Why? The reason is ridiculous — “Putin did not want to comment on the political future in the United States.” Interesting wording. But the publication noted that the Russian leader “seemed very relaxed during the interview.”

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