MOSCOW, February 8Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to study the possibility of expanding funding for Russian science, noting that expenses for the development of scientific research and development for civilian purposes in the next three years will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles.
“»In terms of the volume of government spending on science, our country occupies one of the leading places in the world… I would also note that the total volume of government spending on scientific research and development for civilian purposes in the next three years will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles. In the budget for this year, of course, we also added funds for the development of science, but those involved in financing and science understand that in real terms, spending on science has nevertheless decreased slightly, I mean the necessary adjustment for inflation and as a percentage of GDP,» Putin said at a meeting of the Council for Science and Education on Thursday.
The President asked “the government to work on the issue of expanding financial support for Russian science.”
«This is a very important question, fundamental things, without solutions of which it will be impossible for us to move in any direction. And achieving national development goals, which we talk about all the time and do correctly, is also without a solution for us tasks in the area that we are considering today, it is unlikely that we will be able to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, the high bar that we set for ourselves,” he emphasized.
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