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The officer spoke about the unusual “trophy” found at the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

«Helps to raise morale»

Until quite recently, young lieutenants, graduates of command schools, arriving at their first place of service as a platoon commander, received conscripted servicemen as subordinates. And even among them, gaining authority was not the easiest thing for a novice commander. The SVO has made its own adjustments, and now a graduate of a military university, as they say, who has not yet smelled gunpowder, having arrived at the front line, is subordinate to experienced fighters who have more than one taken supporter or destroyed tank behind them.

A MK correspondent in the Northern Military District talked to a young lieutenant who had recently headed a tank company and found out how he managed to build relationships with his subordinates, why he chose the path of a tanker, and also what trophy, found in the trenches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he did not breaks up.

“Diesel” is the call sign of the young lieutenant. In the army they are called “green flyers.” I graduated from university when the special operation was already in full swing. I put on my officer's shoulder straps and went straight to the Northern Military District zone.

Now the young man is already commanding a tank company. He says that he started thinking about a military career as a child, after watching the film “Officers.” He didn’t see any other profession for himself, and the phrase “There is such a profession to defend the Motherland” became almost a parting word for him.

The family approved of his son’s decision, and after the eleventh grade he entered the Kazan Tank School.

< p>— Why a tanker, and not a paratrooper, for example? — I ask the officer.

— Tankers are armor. “They always move forward,” “Diesel” smiles.

The young man says that his appointment to the Northern Military District zone did not cause any panic or fear. I was only worried about my parents, who, naturally, were worried.

It was a little difficult at first. An unfamiliar environment, it was not clear what to do, but I adapted quickly. Thanks to senior comrades and commanders. He says he still remembers the offensive, when the tankers captured three strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at once. Adrenaline was off the charts.

— You were appointed to a command position immediately after graduating from college. How difficult was it to manage personnel, since many of your subordinates are already adults with combat experience?

— It was not easy. People are different, everyone has their own characteristics, you need to be able to find a common language with everyone. But everything can be resolved. Now we understand each other perfectly and solve the assigned tasks.

In addition to official tasks, the young officer also finds time for creativity. He admits that he has been involved with music for seven years. I graduated from music school with an accordion class, but guitar is closer. He plays and sings songs of famous performers and a few of his own compositions. He says that any creativity helps to lift the spirit.

— In my favorite film about the Great Patriotic War, “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” the main character says: “After the battle, the heart cries for music doubly.” This is really so…

Colleagues themselves often ask the officer to play and sing something. The wishes are different — from serious military songs to ditties. For some, music helps relieve moral fatigue, for others — to remember some happy moments from a past life.

My interlocutor holds a guitar in his hands. It looks completely ordinary, but, as the military man himself says, it has its own history. After the liberation of the settlement, the tankers carried out the so-called cleansing operation. They checked the houses to see if anyone from the Wehrmacht was hiding there. The guitar was found in a dilapidated house where an enemy firing position had been set up. By some miracle the instrument survived. We decided to take her with us.

— Now she is with us everywhere. “I’ve never been anywhere,” “Diesel” smiles.

“Play something of your own,” I ask the tanker.

“Let’s do one of your favorites,” he suggests. — Basta’s single “Sansara”, great song.

I agree. “Diesel” sits down more comfortably, places the guitar on his knee, and touches the strings with his fingers. And now the dugout is filled with the melodic sound of a guitar.

“We cannot be erased, we live out of spite,

Even if we are unlucky, but we will take ours…”

Listening pleasant voice, warming your hands with a mug of hot tea, you understand that as long as we have such young and brave guys in the army who follow their dreams, we cannot be erased, and we will definitely take our toll in this special operation.

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