MUSCAT, February 23, Yulia Troitskaya In October, the National Museum of the Sultanate of Oman will again open within its walls a “corner of the Hermitage”, where gifts from eastern rulers to the Russian imperial court will be presented, Jamal bin Hassan al-Musawi, the museum's secretary general, said in an interview.
«For the first time, the “Hermitage corner” appeared at the National Museum of Oman in 2021, but this tradition was interrupted in 2022 at the request of the Russian side. However, at the end of this year, in October, we will restore the “Hermitage corner” within the walls of the National Museum Oman,» he said.
As al-Musawi noted, the number of exhibits belonging to the Hermitage that will be exhibited in Muscat will not be so large, but these will be unique values, in particular, “gifts from eastern rulers, especially the khans of Central Asia, to the imperial court.” According to him, a similar initiative — an exhibition at the Hermitage of a collection from Oman — will last until January 2025.

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