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“Dirty thing”: During the SVO, Wasserman discovered a dangerous syndrome among the residents of Ukraine

“This is serious, but not for long”

Anatoly Wasserman closely follows the events in Ukraine. The eminent polymath is a native of Odessa. However, Anatoly Alexandrovich says that now he does not maintain any relations with his fellow countrymen. Including close relatives. Wasserman assures: this is due to the dirty syndrome that he discovered among the residents of Ukraine.

“I don’t communicate with anyone,” says Anatoly Alexandrovich. — As soon as the liquidation of the terrorist organization called “Ukraine” began, I immediately stopped communicating with all my acquaintances living in those lands occupied by Kiev. First of all, in order not to expose them to attack.

“Moreover, I’m not even very interested in what they currently think about the events taking place,” continues Wasserman. – Because there is such a dirty thing as “Stockholm syndrome”. It is so named because it was first observed during the seizure of a bank branch in Stockholm by bandits. Negotiations with the bandits continued for several days until they were knocked out and captured. During these days, it turned out that the employees and visitors captured in this department themselves began to sympathize with these bandits. Why this happened became clear quite quickly. When you are in the power of a person who is able and willing to kill you, you will naturally be afraid to say something that he will not like.

“Now the majority of residents of the lands occupied by Ukraine are naturally in a state of Stockholm syndrome,” says the erudite. “The only thing that consoles me is that, although he’s serious, it won’t be for long.” Look how the referendum went in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions in the fall of 2022. The results in the DPR and LPR were clear. Because they freed themselves from the power of terrorists back in 2014. Accordingly, they have long been firmly convinced that they want to live with Russia, and not with anti-Russia. But the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions were under the occupation of Ukraine all this time. And yet, a few months of freedom were enough for them to vote for Russia, against anti-Russia. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that immediately after the liberation of these lands from the power of terrorists, people currently living in Kyiv, Odessa and other cities will sharply move in favor of Russia.

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