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    5. “I’m ready to attack and become partisans for Putin”: Vyalbe ..


    “I’m ready to attack and become partisans for Putin”: Vyalbe – about the enemies of Russia and the Northern Military District


    Head of the Russian Ski Racing Federation Elena Vyalbe became Vladimir Putin's confidant in the country's presidential elections. In an interview with Sport, she explained why she supports the head of state, gave a dire forecast about the future of the United States, responded harshly to Macron after speaking about sending troops to Ukraine, and compared life in Moscow and the regions of Russia.

    “I am ready to join the partisans and attack for Putin”
    — If you imagine for a second that Russia continued to move along the course set by Boris Yeltsin. What would our country become, in your opinion?

    — I think that Russia would be at most as far as Tver in one direction, and as far as Ryazan in the other. Voronezh… Probably, we would no longer have it. Several new countries would definitely appear. I understood this ten years ago. And now even more so, all the masks have been dropped for two years. Boris Nikolaevich has taken many wrong steps, but I don’t want to speak badly about the deceased. For me, the biggest tragedy is the loss of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev. But Yeltsin was not an angel either.

    — Who is Vladimir Putin for you?

    — The first thing that comes to mind is a real man. He is 100% in the right place. Very forward-thinking. Not for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but for tens, if not hundreds of years to come. We listened to his famous speech at the Munich Conference and now we only understand that it was all on the surface. We don't know much, but intelligence is working. I think that Putin, when communicating with his Western colleagues, knew that they were shaking his hand, but behind his back they were sharpening his hand. He is devoted to his country, loves Russia and the people. I admire this man. In addition to the fact that I am used to serving my homeland, for Vladimir Vladimirovich I am ready, if necessary, to join the partisans, or to attack, or anywhere. He deserves it. And now, more than ever, he deserves that we unite around him. Only then will there be victory in all directions.

    — Not only in a special military operation?

    “I could never imagine that our economy would become stronger than Germany’s. It seemed like everything there was in perfect condition, everything was working like a clock. And now I think with such pleasure: “Lord, what fools you are! How you must hate your country in order to bring it to such a state.” And most importantly, it’s not clear why?! This is for me the mystery of all mysteries.

    “Russia is like a bone in their throat”
    — Western countries They are no longer even trying to hide the fact that they are interfering in domestic Russian politics.

    “They no longer have shame or conscience.” From the SVO we see and understand everything perfectly. Either there are “military volunteers” there, then they discuss and make decisions on how to demolish the Crimean Bridge. There's a bone in everyone's throat. They do not hesitate to say that it is Ukraine’s decision to bomb our residential buildings. People have nothing sacred. More than twenty years ago I was last in the USA, and it seemed: “This is cool and this is cool!” And now I understand that it’s complete bullshit. Really. I communicate with people; some of them left in the 90s. They are already living on the brink of a general catastrophe. There is nothing good in life, plus the dominance of these laws about LGBT (an extremist organization banned in Russia – editor's note), transgender people, and so on. People are afraid to send their children to school. Plus drug addiction, migrants. Real thugs come, steal, take everything away, but the authorities cannot do anything. On the other hand, it’s good, in another twenty years you will no longer be around. You will bury yourself.

    — A couple of months ago, recordings of negotiations between Bundeswehr generals were published. Do you have the feeling that life and history teach nothing to Germany?

    – Absolutely right. I'm surprised they aren't afraid of anything! Let's go back to Vladimir Vladimirovich again. I always say: “How much strength and patience a person has!” I would have long ago pressed all the buttons possible. So that something would already pass right through the center of London, and everyone would finally sit down and sit quietly. He must be given credit. The man's muscle didn't move anywhere. I believe that he, too, is probably tired of all this. From meanness, from lies, from Western politicians and diplomats who are not politicians or diplomats at all.

    — “Morons, …” (c)?

    “I don’t know how Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov lives when there is such a terrible monkey around, which has absolutely nothing to do with diplomacy. Boors, impudents and scoundrels. If you think about it, none of them even loves their country. This is surprising. Looking at the leaders of many unfriendly countries, one gets the impression that either they have some kind of terrible dirt on them, or they all ran away out of their minds. Or they are being shoved so much money that they are ready to turn a blind eye to everything. There is no fourth option for me. They don’t hide it and say that even if it’s to the detriment of their country, the main thing is that Russia feels bad. Moreover, those countries to which you have done the most good, starting from tsarist times, are the ones who lie to us the most. I’m simply amazed.

    < br>

    — Macron here once again announced the possibility of introducing NATO troops into Ukraine.

    — The main thing is that he doesn’t tear his pants when he walks.

    – Certainly. The agony has already begun. Then, I am sure, even if it is not particularly advertised, the families of the French who died there will soon begin to ask what is this for? And there are no longer one, not two, or ten. There are no volunteers there. Let him tell his nephews about the volunteers at night, like a fairy tale. By the way. Those who come from the Northern Military District zone, having been on both sides, for some reason none of them end up on the side of Ukraine. And there are such journalists, even if they are few. Only at home, unfortunately, they cannot say anything. Now, all this besides, where is our freedom of speech?

    “Our friends are the army and navy”
    < strong>— On the subject of journalists: in winter, American Tucker Carlson flew to Russia and recorded an interview with Putin. Then – an interview with Pavel Durov, then – with Alexander Dugin. Can you call him your boyfriend?

    — Nooo. He is not his own person, that's 100%. There are no people there at all. He made himself, first of all, an advertisement. Earned points for himself.

    – At the same time, he conveyed our point of view to the West? Or are their eyes unlikely to open?

    — I think that it was no longer for the Western leadership, but for the people. And the management there, excuse me, even piss in the eyes, everything is God’s dew. When the North Military District ends with our victory, they will leave their posts and only then will they begin to say other things. It seems to me that 99% of the world’s inhabitants will not show where Ukraine is at all. Including these leaders, who now travel to Kyiv on armored trains, come out, poor, somewhat battered. What are they doing there… Are they delivering bags of cocaine to Zelensky, or what is he eating, cutlets?

    — Recently, there has been more and more talk from that side about the need for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. Again, they see that everything is not going according to plan?

    “The fact that they understand is certain. Their intelligence is working. And it’s not about missiles and tanks anymore. And the fact is that there are no people. These tanks also need to be controlled by someone. People outside our country are slowly beginning to understand everything. And now everyone wants to get out of the situation and not end up completely crap. Now we need to get out somehow. But I don’t understand what we can negotiate with them about now. Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich and Sergei Viktorovich often send the message that we are ready for negotiations. But we can negotiate only on our terms. But those people don’t understand any agreements. We can put a real point only by completing the NWO with victory.

    — Do you think we have real friends in the world?

    – Besides the navy and army, who? But we are good people. Russian people are kind and trusting by nature. We open our souls to everyone, we open our doors. For as long as I can remember, if foreigners come, then we need to give them all the best, feed them, give them something to drink, and put them in the best bed. And for them, we were still a bone in their throat. And now this bone has festered in someone. Yes, you need to have good diplomatic relations, but to believe that someone will help in difficult times… No.

    — Many people still wonder why football players, and famous athletes in general, are not particularly involved in supporting the SVO.

    – And I know the situation from the other side. I will not name the names of the athletes, and not only the skiers, who also provide financial support, there are many of them. But they don’t advertise it much. People often don’t want to do such things for show. Maybe someone is afraid that they won’t be allowed to enter the international arena? Don't even know. On the other hand, when they release us for real, with the flag and anthem, no one will be there to look at what you said and how you helped.

    “Russia is doomed to success”
    —You often visit the regions. Is the attitude to politics there very different from Moscow?

    — I come to friends, and we sit in the kitchen in Moscow, or I come to friends, and we sit in the kitchen in some region. So in Moscow they never talk about elections, be it mayoral elections or, like the recent presidential elections. It’s as if all this is going on a parallel course. And in the regions this is all being discussed very deeply. They discuss the proxies who come to the regions for debates, who said what. This is a big difference.

    We all understand perfectly well that the capital lives better. I can’t say that there are fewer problems in Moscow, but they are resolved faster here. But, at the same time, the same “fifth column” is not as densely settled in the regions as in Moscow. Still, they want to be closer to the capital, both good and bad. Although, it seems to me, this column has now dissolved a little. These waiters, or whatever they are called now. And someone has already changed their shoes.

    — Like Ivleeva?

    — Honestly Speaking of which, they do so much advertising for them! It seems to me that there is no need to talk about them at all. Our complete ignorance is the most painful thing for them. We must forget everything. Let them try to wash themselves off, but without our help. Ivleeva, there, became famous throughout the country. And before, to be honest, I didn’t even know who she was. Yes, and I still don’t fully understand. I listened to Yana Poplavskaya and I agree with every word. This is not a laundry where you can wash off some dirt. I came to Donbas, performed and that’s it. With all due respect to each talent.

    — To summarize. How do you see the future of Russia?

    — Taking into account the fact that for me Russia is a great country, we will 100% be a prosperous state. With a good economy. I have no doubt that my children will live better than me. We are simply doomed to success, and we have everything for this.

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